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Everything posted by RelaxImaPro

  1. And what a glorious photo of the majestic Pro Bowl QB Derek Anderson galloping past the defense All they can do is look on in awe and admiration
  2. There's also the fact he's a very unique and distinct personality, even among the most eccentric of NFL players... and that he sort of changed the game for small receivers. Still never seen a 5'9" 180 lb guy go out there and do the poo he could in his prime. Most smaller WRs, even though they might put up numbers, don't threaten a defense like he used to. He was a true legit #1 that could do it all and you had to double team him. His 2005 and 2008 seasons by advanced metrics are two of the best seasons for a WR in the history of the NFL. Leading the league in receiving yards per game despite being on an offense that was dead last in passing attempts itself is ridiculous. Makes you wonder just how much better he really could've been in those prime years.
  3. I know Smith didn't make a lot of friends in his younger days, but it seems like a lot of people have warmed up to him as he's gotten older. Saw a recent poll where he was one of the most genuinely liked and well-respected players in the league among NFL players. He was in the top 10.
  4. I still have no idea what in the ever-loving name of God Nakamura was trying to do on that play. The guy was in perfect fuging position to make a play on the ball... instead he just tries to jump, ends up only jumping like 2 inches off the ground, and instead just kind of falls backwards like some sort of wack ass Matrix bullshit, completely fuging up on what was a severely underthrown ball that any other DB would lick their chops to get a chance at. Holy poo he was bad. Then to make it worse we had to watch that horse-faced SOB Matt Ryan act like he was some sort of hot poo after the game after getting owned all day and winning a game they had no right winning on one helluva prayer of a pass. That game really fuged me up for a while.
  5. Damn, I didn't even think about that. Funchess, Williams, and CAP have all been looking like really solid picks and even Shaq as well with the limited time he's had to show his stuff. It's hard to let yourself get that hyped up about that many draft picks (and UDFAs) only to be disappointed... but damn. Gettleman seems to do this poo every year. Late round and UDFA gems galore. I wish the dude was in his 40s. Hard to believe he's been passed up for the GM job over and over throughout his career.
  6. Been trying to pretty up Smitty's wikipedia resume here and there... a lot of people just glance at that accomplishment section to get a feel for a player they don't know much about A year and a half ago his section was pretty barren
  7. If Steve can get 2,800 more yards then it'll greatly help his chances. That'll put him at 16,000 receiving yards, and in sole company with Jerry Rice as the only receivers with 16k+ receiving yards. At some point his return yards have to be accounted for too. He has an additional 4,000+ return yards and 6 return TDs. 16,000 receiving yards and 4,000 return yards would put him at 20,000 all purpose yardage, which would easily be 2nd most all time. Hell, I think Rice is the only player in NFL history that's in any sort of 20,000 yard club. So Steve would have a pretty nice elite claim if he joined that company. edit: just checked, and Emmitt Smith, Walter Payton, and Brian Mitchell also have 20,000+ all purpose yardage... all those guys aside from Mitchell are in the HOF.
  8. If Moss and TO don't get in on the 1st ballot... then it's going to make even damn harder for WRs to get in. Those guys are easily statistically the #2 and #3 WRs behind Rice. All 3 of those bastards also had great QB play their entire careers... as have guys like Marvin Harrison and Reggie Wayne. What's going to be really unbearable is when Wes Welker's ass starts getting HOF consideration, because he played with Brady and Manning literally his entire career.
  9. He's still got a ways to go to top Bruce, but he's already passed Holt. If Steve can put up 2 more 1,000 yard seasons then he'll be up there with Bruce... but then again, Bruce has the ring over him... and will likely still lead him in TDs as well.
  10. I think Amini at LT and stonewalling Kony says more about Kony than it does Amini. I hated the Kony pick, and he was complete ass last year. Yeah, he got better towards the end of the season and he was just a rookie... but he just looked completely overwhelmed. I'm not really expecting much out of him while just hoping for the best.
  11. This. I never got the problem that a few had with Ron saying what he did. It's not even like he said anything malicious... all it did was give KB an extra nudge to shut people up motivate him to work harder before the start of camp. Seems to have worked.
  12. Sorry Jeremy, but I have no idea how you think Frank won that one. Let's just say we add in a second to adjust from the start of the vine, where they're pretty much already engaged, to account for the snap of the ball and Frank reaching Oher... and Oher stays in a front of Frank for a healthy 5 seconds, at least. If there were pads, Oher's head and back would've never snapped back like it did here. He gave Cam more than enough time to do what he needs to do. If Frank sacked Cam there then it's on Cam and the receivers..
  13. I have no fuging idea why, but I had an irresistible urge to pie this as soon as I saw it.
  14. Good ole Joe Person Tweeting a play 20 minutes after it happened
  15. People have gotten too impatient with Cam because how good he was right out the gate. Does no one remember how we pretty much accepted the fact that he was going to be a bit of a project when we drafted him? That he was a project with huge potential. Then his rookie season happens, and it's like everyone completely forgot all of that. As good as he was out the gates, and is now, he's still that same project we drafted back in early 2011 that's been learning on the fly. He's made huge strides as a pocket passer, and is continuing to get better. What Gettleman said is 100% correct.
  16. Now we just sit back and wait for some manufactured drama about how Martin was bullied into retirement.
  17. Well he did us a favor then instead of trying to sit around and collect a check for nothing.
  18. Not sure how that's all that relevant to what I said, unless you're just wanting to build up a straw man just for the sake of arguing. Someone mentioned Cam played an amazing game. I added onto that by somewhat agreeing saying he was pretty good other than those two interceptions - and that both of those interceptions were really bad. Go and look at the All-22 of both plays. I'm not talking about the the two teams, how they're built, or what Seattle's offense was doing to our defense... just solely Cam's performance. Both of those interceptions were entirely avoidable because he had open guys on both of them. When you have a wide open man, who is your #1 receiver at that, wide open 20 yards downfield... and you instead elect to throw it into tight coverage against arguably the best CB in the game that's not "taking a chance", that's just a bad play no matter how you try to look at it. I love Cam and all, but those two plays were costly in a game where we needed as much help from our offense as we could get. We could've gotten points out of both of those drives, and in the pick 6's case, kept Seattle from getting an additional 7.
  19. Lmao, he's probably the toughest person on their whole team.
  20. Okay, let me try to say this even clearer. KB was wide open. A 20+ yard wide open pass isn't dinking and dunking. He didn't have to try Sherman... Sherman was all over Philly.
  21. I really hate that reasoning, especially in a game like football where every possession counts, even more so for a playoff game where it's win or go home... every possession is huge. Especially against a defense like Seattle, where your scoring opportunities are going to be limited to begin with. Yeah, it was like a punt, but it was definitely something to worry about when you have a wide open KB for 20+ yards in the middle of the field. Who knows? Maybe if he doesn't throw that INT and instead finds KB, maybe we eventually turn that drive into a TD.
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