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  1. Nobody, NOBODY has swag like Cam m'fing Newton
  2. Nobody, NOBODY has swag like Cam m'fing Newton
  3. First thought: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Second thought: No way you throw him to the wolves on Sunday right? He hasn't even gotten a full week of practice.
  4. I just wanna win a few games with Cam so I can tell the haters to go **** themselves
  5. I browse NFL boards a lot. This season Broncos fans HATED Peyton Manning and called for his benching weeks before it happened. He was playing legit terrible. This is the guy I'm supposed to be afraid of? I was more worried about Russell Wilson. I was more worried about the Cardinals offense. I will be seriously disappointed if we don't pound the **** outta them.
  6. I never would have predicted that Cam would elevate his game like this. He's always been good/tough, and I was proud to have him as my QB. But now, I don't think there's any doubt that Cam Newton is the best player in the NFL.
  7. Pack it in, rest the starters... and let's party!
  8. Arizona has the personnel to make a comeback like that if we let them.
  9. If the games ended at halftime, the Panthers would be the greatest team ever
  10. If Cam is the MVP. he'll lead a TD drive to rip their hearts out once and for all
  11. This is why Seahawks fans are so cocky... and why we all started getting worried as soon as they scored two touchdowns. You knew this was going to happen.
  12. Not sure if that's Russell Wilson magic or vintage Carolina D
  13. 14-0 has taken a lot out of this team. I'm starting to wonder if a 2 week break would help things. Fug the Bucs.
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