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About BEASTfromdaEAST

  • Birthday 03/19/1987


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  1. What's wrong with these dudes? Just go pay a hooker like the rest of the world.....Jeez
  2. If we could pair Coker n XL with Wilson Im all for it. Wilson>Higgins. Higgins misses at least a quarter of the season every year no thanks.
  3. And people are still saying he's the answer. Then on flip side they want to trade a starting LT on this team too. BY is trash
  4. I can absolutely compare Moton to Ickey in the sense that over half this fan base didn't want him The fact is we got into this situation because we continually trade away young talent and don't get anything in return. That this fan base doesn't understand that is nauseating
  5. Love the arm chair GMs saying for years on here Ikey would be better inside. Based on what exactly? His laterally mobility? Lolol My point is pay talent and he is talented. People here didn't like Moton getting paid and talked about trading him when that went down and look how that turned out.
  6. Since being drafted he's failed every TEST presented to him. He's bad cut your loses and move on. NFL is a what have you done me lately business. BY has done nothing to prove he's a starting NFL caliber QB. So short of 300+yrd games with no turnover and him being the reason we WIN and not LOSE then trade is his ass in the off-season n move on.
  7. This fn fan base never amazes me. With a roster void of talent they're willing to trade anyone with a hint of talent. Is he the best LT in the game? NO but for fug sakes he is a good young OL that could be used in the RT if Moton walks......STOP TRADING AWAY TALENT FOR PEANUTS!!!!
  8. If this doesn't some this franchises fans up in one post I don't know what would lololol Water is wet. Career backup incoming. Don't be happy with mediocrity this fan base is always to nice and complacent. Demand a dominate team or nothing. BY will never dominate a game. Accept it on move on. He sucks
  9. Needs to take a page out of St.Browns book and buy a JUG machine n catch at least 100 a day, everyday until his drops become a part of his past.
  10. I get people trying to be optimistic about BY future (I'm still not) but to say he's better or "closing in" on Stroud is ridiculous. Texans are actually winning we are not. Texans line is trash, are line is not. IMO BY is still not a starting NFL caliber QB that will bring home a championship but here's to hoping! Stroud>BY
  11. Absolutely NOT. It would be in Tepper Panthers fashion so yeah it's probably going to happen.
  12. The OP should be fired for this post EE is the least of the issues for this franchise, went from being scared of losing him to a HC job to FIRE HIM??? Said it a million times Panthers have the MOST wishy washy football fans I've ever heard
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