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Sean Payton's Vicodin

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Everything posted by Sean Payton's Vicodin

  1. lmao this is hilarious if you aren't laughing you're crying
  2. Those are plays I saw a busted up Cam Newton make
  3. Tepper bout to do something really dumb
  4. Didn't see a thread, heres the play in all its glory (unable to embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyxcYhxWwcg I miss these panthers
  5. i hope jim is crazy enough to want to come here, but tepper wants a yes man
  6. Damn 89 Montana and 07 Brady are all timer QB seasons Meanwhile Bryce is on the bust couch with Russel
  7. Hopefully after he puts up yet another sub 100 yard passing day he's benched and we never see him again.
  8. this team has one player i'd call 'pretty good'
  9. Eh, teams dont sit first round rookies anymore, especially first overall. even Richardson who is about as raw as it gets didn't sit for a year. i have no doubt bryce looked worse than andy in TC but coaches prob thought he'd improve... lmao
  10. I wouldn't hate it if the next coach kept him because he was the only one to show some level of competency in this shitshow but i wouldnt blame him either if he left
  11. lmao the panthers didnt score a single point after this hahahahhahahahahahahaha
  12. He was chilling with Tepper in the infamous drink video, I doubt he's gone. He'll trade the 2025 first to move up 5 spots to draft some guard
  13. the sad part is is that on even mediocre teams theilein and hubbard would be role players at best
  14. No one thinks Tepper is a good owner anymore, there are still some people who think Bryce will turn it around.
  15. He's well mannered and is a better public speaker than Stroud. Tepper fell for the same poo with Rhule over a fuging dinner. No more dinners
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