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Sean Payton's Vicodin

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Everything posted by Sean Payton's Vicodin

  1. I want Stroud Would be fine with Young Avoid Mayo Coffee and Black Te.bow like the plague Ultimately I think they take Young until Charlie Campbell says otherwise
  2. Dude is a 3rd WR at this point in his career. I still want them to double down on rookie WRs
  3. DJ Chark has had a poo ton of injuries so it makes sense to draft a WR or two
  4. Thank you Dave Dumbass Gettleman for the WNBA players instead of o-linemen. Thank you Mike Shula for using Cam like a battering ram RB because you are braindead and sticking to a gameplan that obviously didn't work in SB50. Thank you Marty Hurney for not knowing how to draft outside of the 1st round and overpaying runningbacks. And thank you Ron Rivera for not sitting him out when the season was already lost in 2016.
  5. Richardson's floor is the biggest QB bust since Jamarcus Russel, Johnny Football and Zach Wilson dont have poo on this guy. Dude struggled heavily against a 1-11 South Florida team. Some Panther fans think that he's going to bring back the Cam years but they have heavy rose tinted glasses.
  6. Makes sense and lines up with the HEAVY shifts towards from Young to CJ in Vegas (people in the know trying to make their money) once the trade was made. Stroud has everything that Reich wants in a QB and I don't buy the meme that they traded that much without at least having an overwhelming favorite in the brain trust.
  7. Charlie Campbell is the only one to watch imo. He has been on the money 100% for a very long time now on who the Panthers are going to draft. Right now, he says Young, but it could change.
  8. I will wait to see which QB they draft to pass judgement on that.
  9. Stroud/Young timeline - yes they will get at least 1 MNF or TNF game I feel Richardson/Levis timeline - Nope, no one is going to watch Andy Dalton or two players who literally can't throw a football
  10. FUUUUUUUCKKKKKK he was one of my favorite non Panthers. fug the Saints and their Salary cap voodoo
  11. Im a Stroud crazy and I'll be content with young Now if its the other two... you are gonna see some poo
  12. Trying to use this as a tip for the rookie is really dumb. Panthers have one QB on the roster and thats Matt Corral lmao. They needed something.
  13. There has been a grand total of two OSU QBs drafted in the first round in the past 40 years
  14. LOL Lamar Jackson was a heisman winner. AR was fuging horrible in college.
  15. i will 100% be permabanned in that timeline
  16. Yea if they draft a guy who can't even throw a football then its over for this regime, even Rhule lasted longer lol
  17. They used to announce picks (like Colts came out and said a week before the 2012 draft that they are picking Andrew Luck) before the draft but NFL shut it down because they have to get ratings. And no, before they are drafted they are not part of the team so that is considered tampering.
  18. Yeah I've been on the Stroud train since Tepper decided to bring back Rhule and if Goodell announces Young's name 1st overall I'll still breathe a sigh of relief lol
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