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Sean Payton's Vicodin

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Everything posted by Sean Payton's Vicodin

  1. man seahawks defense has so much depth. our defense puts so much pressure on luke, td, and CJ
  2. Where does it say he's out for the playoffs? Not that I have any hope we win now that our lynch stopper is out, but I'd like some confirmation
  3. Probably Cedric Ogbuhi. That one Michigan receiver/TE (name slips the mind atm) is also worth a look.
  4. Everywhere I've seen has put Tyrus Thomas as a 4-5 rounder http://www.nfldraftscout.com/ratings/dsprofile.php?pyid=113000&draftyear=2015&genpos=OT
  5. why am i looking at a giant picture of justin beiber
  6. don't worry he wasn't smoking the dreaded weed so he'll be back week one
  7. halo is a fuging awful series and the only reason it gets praise is because the OG xbox didn't have any fuging games
  8. ted ginn burning revis was a thing of beauty though
  9. MVP has pretty much meant "best player" for some time now
  10. This guy is officially the worst HC in panthers history. even seifert had a better record at this point!
  11. for the first sunday in a long time, it felt good to be a panthers fan. im kind of disappointed that the bye is next week
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