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  1. I'm unable to access All-Pro despite the fact that my bank account has been debited for the annual renewal fee. Would someone please contact me about this or simply re-activate my access. 


  2. LOL. In your very next post you compared a guy possibly trolling on a message board to a serial rapist. If anything, YOU'RE what's wrong with this place.
  3. PhillyB can troll us all day long and the majority of the posters on this board that aren't your alts would still vote for a permaban for you rather than him.
  4. This. Their best pass rusher has a permanent oven mitt on his hand. I wouldn't want to go against our offensive line with a handicap like that. If this were to become a shoot out, we've got a lot better ammo, so I'm not greatly concerned.
  5. Who else heard Cam tell the cameras, "I wanted to start the wave, but a lot of people have already left..." after he started the Let's Go Panthers chant? LOL
  6. Hell yes! They haven't been back to the Super Bowl since we put half of their starters on stretchers during that ass whooping. That Panthers team effectively ended the Cowboys dynasty...with a little help from the salary cap.
  7. The second picture on page 10...is that Norwell's leg that Stewart is planting his cleat on? Wonder if that's what happened to his hamstring...
  8. The thing I love about this team vs past seasons is that screw ups/bad breaks don't phase them. Bobble the snap out of the end zone? Pick that poo up and run it out to the 20. Turn the ball over at the 20? Hold the offense to 3. Resiliency is extremely important to a playoff caliber team. and Kurt Coleman was a fuging beast tonight! Another clutch vet courtesy of Gettlemagic.
  9. This. We have multiple players on our current roster that prove you don't have to be an insufferable asshole in order to dominate at your position.
  10. Steve Smith is a football player. He PLAYED for the Panthers, and now he plays for the Ravens. He's on the downside of his career and his presence had a less than positive impact on the team. Why on Earth anyone but a sad fanboy/girl would want to trade away any draft pick for him is beyond me. I'll always love the games he played for us, and if he wants to retire a Panther, I'm sure they'd give him a one day contract, but he'll never play another meaningful down for the Panthers. People need to accept that and move on.
  11. You're right, Charles Johnson started in a much better situation and was eased into his role. Kony Ealy has been thrust into a role, been serviceable and still gets poo from the negative nancies. Players take time to develop. Josh Norman has been benched before as well and now everyone is offering their left nut to help re-sign him right this minute.
  12. Charles Johnson didn't come on until year three. Ealy will be fine.
  13. This is a win/win/win. We get a proven player with a high motor, to pair with two of the best, nastiest interior linemen in the NFL, and a guy that can help light a fire under whoever is playing on the other end. Allen is too old to rebuild a team around, so it's better for the Bears to get some chance at value later rather than marginal value right now. Allen gets to move back to the position he built his career at, and a chance to spend the last few years on a team where he can be one of a group of high level guys, even if he's not still able to be THE guy. And we probably get to keep the pick if we have to cut him early for underperforming. #Gettlemagic
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