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  1. I don't cheer for unc to lose unless they're playing Duke. Indifferent in the regular season and then like the ACC to do well in the tourney. Its more fun when Carolina is good vs Duke butt fuging them by 30 and deciding to stop playing in the second half.
  2. It isn't a narrative. Scott was an abysmal gm and 99% of this board would have done a better job than that candy ass.
  3. Acc about to run the tourney per usual. Meanwhile 10 sec teams lose in the first round
  4. I don't think Indiana or wvu are any better than them so I'm fine with them getting in. I'd personally prefer more mid majors with single digit losses get in but I know that's not going to happen
  5. I don't look at college stats that much but was looking at betting Proctors assists against Louisville. I started looking into it and most teams are only getting like 10-12 assists a fuging game. That said i did not bet on it. Houston and Tennessee scored 70+ pts in their championship games and only had 7 assists each
  6. Zaha was ass but he was getting fouled or drawing 3 defenders everytime he got the ball so I'd have been frustrated too.
  7. How do you know they didn't? But again if you can pick up someone off the street that's 22 years old why would you trade anything for him?
  8. They were my trade back partner before they traded geno but for qb3. I would like more if they're coming up to get qb2 ahead of a team in the saints that also needs a quarterback. If its for sanders I'd want dk 18 a 3rd this year and next years 1st.
  9. I like Vargas too but for our first 3 years our attack was way to predictable. Building slowly out of the back bring it down the wing and make low percentage crosses. Apparently at halftime Zaha got into the whole teams Ass and laid it out for them. We need to play fast we need to play direct and it worked. I'm excited to see what we can be this year if they continue their improve every year model we should have a top 4 seed in the East.
  10. fuging blurb says they might give bryce another year. Walter football sucks
  11. Some one may want to trade up to take the 3rd qb ahead of the saints. I could see the seahawks having some interest
  12. I'm pretty sure people cared
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