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Everything posted by bigskypanthersguy

  1. Sacrifice it to the black cat god of your choice. By way of fire.
  2. So, provided we stick with the current ol roster for a bit, does the infamous sig return? That's the real question.
  3. Mostly I just want to get back to being competitive in the division again. The Saints in particular have a lot to answer for from the past few years, and good god, I'd love to see us rout them only to watch Head Coach Pill Addict pout.
  4. I work overnights and woke up to most of that being over. I get people don't like his background but good god, it's one guy on a zero tolerance chance.
  5. Do you ever hit up Will Call?
  6. It was nice to dream that we could end up with a truly great qb at least for a couple years or so. Um, here's hoping Darnold manifests greatness somehow?
  7. I'm worried he's going to be bad but I'm trying to be more optimistic this year. Hearing that he hears ghosts really isn't a good sign though and makes choosing him inexplicable, imo, especially at the cost of a second rounder.
  8. I broke down and bought Necas' jersey last year. I hope we find a way to keep him ultimately.
  9. It's an interesting idea. I'd have to hold off and wait how and see how the legal troubles panned out. And then you factor in what, if anything, the league may do about him. Personally I'd kick the tires on Rodgers. He might be getting a little long in the tooth but he could likely get us by until we managed to draft his replacement somehow.
  10. The Optimus Reim meme is fun but I think it's come back to earth. So thankful Petr's returning soon.
  11. 'backer, cornerback and safety really need help. Chinn is fine but really needs a complement.
  12. Exactamundo. I sincerely hope this is how this year's draft pans out.
  13. Agreed. Rhule getting such a long contract was eye-opening and he has a lot to prove. Knowing that he tends to be mercurial is fine with me provided it pans out. He has to earn my trust though, and frankly I need to be convinced about Fitterer and Tepper too. All involved are new at their positions and this much change so soon could be great and it could blow up in our face. I sincerely hope it works out.
  14. NY being the market it is in and of itself is enough reason for Watson to choose them over us. The endorsement deals alone.... I think the cost is too high as it's been reported.
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