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Everything posted by bigskypanthersguy

  1. I'm still befuddled by how we went with a supposed offensive HC in Rhule to have our offense look significantly worse under him than it was under Rivera. Thank heavens the Hurricanes are having a good season in the NHL, small slide currently or not.
  2. In the viewpoints of many Panther fans on here and reddit, the team looks to have quit already. If Rhule makes it to next year with the same player sentiment, we could very well go winless.
  3. I obviously identify with health issues, having had a serious health scare myself in late 2018. Any time you need a sympathetic ear, feel free to reach out.
  4. So obviously my thoughts are going to be with you. I sincerely hope it all goes well.
  5. Out for now? Out until Rhule is canned? Out for good?
  6. I think we both need to make ourselves find something else to do on Sundays.
  7. It's sad to see how far Cam's fallen off. It's honestly also sad to see how inept Rhule and company are at the NFL level. I wanted this to work. But it's not and it won't and we may as well cut bait by season's end.
  8. If I'm Fitt I try like hell to trade down with this year's first and get as many picks as I can. Rhule and his staff should be gone by the end of the year. His era is DOA.
  9. Cam giving us some degree of hope again. And that the Canes are doing well.
  10. I feel like there were enough shots to win. The hockey gods just hated us tonight. Some of those powerplay sequences were ridiculous. Gru just somehow became godlike again tonight and just....blah.
  11. Wise. I guess my best response is we were told this was a multi-year project and it's clear the oline both needs addressed and hasn't fully been addressed. If that's achieved and successful next year, I'd see how it goes. Personally if I move towards firing him it's at the end of the season because as you said interim coaches rarely amount to poo. Overall, I think the experiment has failed, but Rivera himself took years to turn it around. Maybe some kind of switch gets flipped next year. I'm skeptical but at this point what does hope hurt? Frankly I think this season is on life support at best. All of this said, Joe Brady has to be gone this offseason. I don't think he's ever going to get "it." At least not here. Maybe he gets another chance somewhere down the road, years down the road, when he's got more experience.
  12. Hypothetical: if this season bottoms out and we never win another game, how short of a leash do you give Rhule next year?
  13. This team doesn't deserve anger. They deserve disinterested apathy until they prove they are finally sick and tired of mediocrity and become better than that.
  14. On the one hand, I'd love to keep a homegrown CB for the first time since, what, Gamble? On the other, Jackson reminds me too much of Norman: inconsistent play mixing unremarkable play with highlights periodically. That and the injury history says, to me, some kind of a tag at best if we keep him another year or two to help develop the younger guys then let him go, hopefully in a trade sort of thing to get some draft capital back. Particularly in this coming draft I think that'd be my choice. Tag and trade.
  15. need to see Cam receiving a td and it'd be neat to see PJ do the same.
  16. It was meant more inspirationally than trying to be a CNH. I'd be perfectly fine supporting a draft pick qb provided they panned out. I'm far past over the reclamation concept.
  17. Met with a few folks from reddit to watch the game tonight here in Denver. pretty fun. Very close, gritty game. Anaheim's speed is something else, man.
  18. Obviously I need a win, I'm just still irritated we ever re-signed Hurney in the first place. Idiotic.
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