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Everything posted by bigskypanthersguy

  1. The linebacking corps and secondary are in dire need of help too. This is not a single year fix.
  2. If Fitterer can improve our overall drafting in and of itself it's a huge win. I am so disgusted at Richardson for hiring Hurney again. That idiotic clown is the biggest reason we're so talent deficient. Gettleman too but he's been gone for a while now. I will never understand DG's decision to draft Benjamin and then Funchess essentially back to back. What an idiotic decision.
  3. We still seem to struggle with drafting oline. Our new GM came from Seattle who struggles there too. A lithe QB with an injury history with an experimental approach at best to an oline is not a recipe for success. We are not even certain we can keep Moton and Paradis would be our next "best" olineman which says little. You Watson proponents seem to think he is the only key piece we need. Like it or not we are years away from being consistently competitive so frankly why the frenzy now when something else may open up down the road that is less expensive? I know Watson is tantalizing. But after giving up multiple picks and possibly defensive starters, how long does it take to replenish a cupboard that is sparse to begin with?
  4. The point being, there is no short term viable option to fix the oline and I would prefer we have all our picks to accomplish that. Frankly if Watson happens we would be better off with FA to fill that hole. And all that cap space? We do have other people to retain too and Watson's deal is an albatross. And there is still no indication Houston wants to trade him. And Moton getting extended may not happen.
  5. 1: A good qb can only mask so much. I frankly do not think there is any sense in trading for Watson with the current state of the offensive line. As sick as some people are with the bandaid approach at qb, we've tried the bandaid approach at o-line for years and failed at it. So has Seattle. We had years to give Cam Newton help and failed at that too. If we get Watson I do not want to see him obliterated too. 2: The Rams' model is eventually going to bite them in the ass and let's face it, at the end of the day, your goal is to win a Super Bowl. To this point, McVay has not. 3: You are correct in that we don't know what the draft will bring, but we also don't know what vet qbs may be available next year when we're in a better position as far as depth to try to better able protect them. Hell, this Watson situation could drag on so long and get so heated he just retires in lieu of being traded. 4: In order to try to trade for him, the Texans have to actually be interested in doing so. There has never been any indication this is the case. I am quite cognizant of your desire to get Watson. It may not happen and all available evidence suggests to embrace that possibility.
  6. I get wanting to have a sportscar with brand new paint and having it look like the best car on the road. At some point you have to ensure it runs correctly. Right now, if our franchise was a car, we're a fixer-upper at best.
  7. No argument. Still, need at least another edge guy and another DT. .....and everything on oline. Good lord.
  8. I suppose I should create something like that about a dline one of these years. Provided we get a dline worth a damn again.
  9. I mean, you are the Big Ugly Scholar. ...I miss that sig.
  10. provided we stay at 8 I'm begging Sewell to fall to us. Or the next best option.
  11. My concern is that we just have nothing at offensive line I'm comfortable with. So, while expensive, if he's our first building piece, so be it, provided we can find other solutions in FA or the draft. This just sucks. There are so many holes and I'm as sick of losing as everyone else.
  12. God, I hope we work some kind of magic to extend Moton. Secondly, just because this is football and Moton is a bit of a mystery: I've never heard much about the guy as a person. What if he holds out when he gets tagged?
  13. Outside of the price, the worry I have with Watson is his injury history. With a questionable at best offensive line, that worry increases.
  14. This year? I wouldn't move up for a qb. I don't think we can afford to lose the draft capital.
  15. I'm not even really considering "next year's draft" in that. The defensive line needs more depth, imo. Linebacker, good luck. It's more "where do we start to build" than anything. Tight end is a depthless waste of roster space currently. RB: can CMC stay healthy? Was last year an anomaly? WR: I'm still hoping we can keep Samuel honestly. I think it's likely our strongest position. OL is more LOL. I could blink and miss every single qb we have. The secondary is more of an afterthought than anything. Donte Jackson never lived up to his draft hype, Pryde doesn't inspire me, and the rest...christ. May god protect Chinn.
  16. I understand the desire. Do you trust the offensive line as it is now to be better than the Texans', better than last year, or protect Watson?
  17. Exactly. The oline and secondary alone make me seriously ponder the idea of trading back this year to try to fix as much as we can.
  18. I feel for everyone who wants a different qb. I completely agree on that point. However there's nothing wrong with trying to stand pat and use the next two years to build up our depth at any number of positions, including qb, and letting the draft come to us. Remember, everyone: Rhule notoriously favors a slow build approach where it takes years to rebuild a program.
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