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Everything posted by bigskypanthersguy

  1. I always forget this section of CH exists. You guys are welcome to check out the GDTs on the Canes sub too on reddit. Usually fun if a bit weird. I'll get to catch about half the game before I have to drive to work tonight. Damn graveyard shifts.
  2. It'd have to be during a playoff game. But god damn, imagine how hyped people would get. That said, Rod may well break it.
  3. personally as a hybrid fan I've always thought it'd be cool to see the likes of Eric Staal, Cam Ward, Brindamour, Gleason or Jokinen pound the drum just once.
  4. don't forget to use tight ends over the middle.
  5. First time in years from where I sit. Certainly throughout the Rhule era and likely Rivera's last year.
  6. Eh, Hubbard has proven to be at least decent and the RBC approach has workedish lately. On a certain level it'd be great to call 70-80 runs and spit the carries amongst Christian, Chubba and Armah.
  7. I just now realized we interact on that sub together sometimes. In my defense, years of graveyard shift has rotted my brain. Hail from Colorado!
  8. I'm not quite there yet but the day may come my entire focus will be on the Canes. Brady has to go and I'll give Rhule two more years tops. Fix the oline and find a real qb, likely another wr or two too.
  9. And that removes any hope I had left in NFL Rhule. I think he is over his head.
  10. Injuries, Brady continuing to have weird playcalls, horrendous officials, oline in the run game, at times the run d were my contentious points. Delete the TNF concept.
  11. Gumbo sucks. All hail pulled pork. And every Saints fan I have met has been annoying. The Pittsburgh of the South.
  12. In certain ways, 2003 and 2015 mirrored each other. 2003 had the more fun playoffs for sure imo.
  13. I want to hope. However, I can't shag the nagging feeling that Tepper AND Rhule were bad choices and all of this is going to blow up in our face.
  14. The day may well come I become a full-time Canes fan and won't even realize it at first. In order to be fun, the Panthers have to start becoming consistently good. The fact that the NFL has taken my favorite part of the game largely out of it doesn't help. I understand offense sells tickets but neutralizing the defense by way of ref crap just makes the league boring.
  15. I suppose there's no chance of talking Davis and Luke into returning?
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