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top dawg

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Everything posted by top dawg

  1. I just don't see how anyone who has watched any cut-ups can prefer Dorset over Agholor. I just don't see it, from a route running standpoint, a hands standpoint, a blocking standpoint, or even from a special teams standpoint, but you have a right to your opinion.
  2. Sure, context doesn't mean a thing. It's the same difference, right? Anyway...for argument's sake let me admit that I could have worded things differently. Nail me to the cross for using a "poor choice of words"! But you know what I find more telling is how you and others sat back and didn't say a thing when I was attacked personally, being that you are so righteous and all. I have been on this board for years, and people generally know what I stand for, but yet and still didn't say a word. That's more telling to me than anything. Now as far as some tweet, I don't know why you keep referencing that. Even before I received a tweet, I had the same position. Moreover, you are taking the whole thing with Jeremy out of context (which seems to be a favorite means of manipulation and misinformation for some of you). I am not going to totally revisit that, but suffice it to say that anyone in their right mind wouldn't have bet that Hardy would be back, and like i said then, that wasnt even the real story. Whether Hardy was coming back was not the point, the point was more about upsetting people unnecessarily. But even that was not specifically what Jeremy and I got into a little tiff over. He thought that I had insulted him which I apologized for, but I also thought that he had insulted me. It wasn't really about Greg Hardy. Get your facts straight.
  3. I already explained that if Rice were still top tier that he would absolutely be on an NFL roster, and you are being naive and absolutely wrong if you don't believe that. As for this thread and what I've said, I have more than enough support and understanding. The day I begin thinking like Batman and support his stupidity by proxy, and become a self-righteous, hypocrite whose only sense and semblance of fairness shows a deep disrespect for the law, equality and fairness, then I'd be worried.
  4. Damn, when you block someone it doesn't translate to the app. Anyway, there are some good prospects there, though Agholor is conspicuously missing. I guess he is too low to rise to the first and too high to fall in the second.
  5. I guess that you missed the story here where J-Rich went into the war room and took Randy Moss's card from the draft board and threw it on the ground...
  6. It's hard, man. Some of us believe in grace, second chances and redemption depending upon the circumstances. I don't know that it is right to discount the severity of the offense, and the history of the perpetrator. I think that you must look at things on a case by case basis. Zero tolerance may appear good in theory and on paper, as long as everyone knows the rules beforehand, but there are always going to be situations where it seems like common sense should prevail.
  7. I didn't say he should have "Ray Riced" Nicole Holder, I said that he may have been better off if he had (from an NFL penalty standpoint, which is what anyone with any sense of reading comprehension should know that we are talking about). Anyway, for Rice to get two games and Hardy to get 10 games from the NFL, after reviewing all of the legalities of each situation is out of line, and that shouldn't be. That was the whole point I was making. So continue to take it out of context and try and assassinate my character all you like, I know what I said, and I know what has been said. Perhaps others need to step away from the keyboard, look themselves in the mirror and take an ethical accounting of their own value system. Sure Hardy "embarrassed" the organization as you call it. The Panthers did suffer from a PR standpoint, though arguably very little in comparison to what we suffered on the field because of Hardy's absence while Hardy was getting handsomely paid. Now, to add injury to insult, we must suffer even more, arguably more because of Goodell than Hardy, and lose our comp pick as things stand today. This is the true travesty of the situation: The Panthers obviously suffer the most. And some of you seemingly don't give a poo about it, making it more about punishing Hardy under nebulous circumstances than getting it right from a legal perspective, much less a moral one (which is still up for debate whether you like it or not).
  8. There is honest heat, and then there is trying to sucker punch someone below the belt. Batman should be banned for starting his personal insult bullshit, and that's the bottom line.
  9. And, getting back to you, Scot, you act like you didn't read what I said the first time. Personally I think that you can restrain most women without beating the crap out of them, but some men believe in hitting if they are hit, whether it be by a woman or a man. The problem with this case is if there was enough of evidence of him "smacking" her around, then I would think that the police would have taken him to jail. In this state, they can take you to jail anytime that the police are called and they see evidence of domestic violence. Moreover, but no less important is the fact that you have two drunk people. One has been on drugs before, has lied to the police before, and couldn't even get her own story straight, so why in the hell am I going to take her at her word that she got beaten? And then, even after all that, she doesn't even show up in court to help prosecute the alleged perpetrator who does not have any history of domestic violence, and who has said that he was trying to restrain her when she became belligerent. Where is the history of domestic violence? Where is the history of any kind of violence at all? Where is all of this criminal stuff that Hardy did as a collegian? High school? Who had the history of drug and alcohol abuse? Some of you just want to act like it's so cut and dried when it is absolutely not. But, to each his own. Like I said, that's the society that we live in.
  10. In the spirit of pot, I just blocked the motherfuger. Thanks.
  11. I am all for chilling, but there is too much water under the bridge for me to hash it out, beer it out, or even talk it out. David Banner is an OK dude until he turns into the Incredible Hulk' and the Hulk > Batman.
  12. Well, you're certainly not the brightest in the gene pool, so I wouldn't doubt it.
  13. If someone is insulting me and my family for no good reason, then I mean everything that I say' and I won't regret anything.
  14. In other words, not to be taken seriously. You're smart enough to know that. At least I hope so.
  15. That kind of response is for a worthless sack of poo.
  16. Everything I said was based on her history and the evidence. You don't know me, my sister, or my son., you trolling ass son of a bitch.
  17. It's too easy to insult people over the internet. He wouldn't dare say it to my face.
  18. And furthermore, it hasn't been proven that Hardy slapped around Holder either. That invalidates your veiled attempt to make me the hypocrite, when you're the one that doesn't believe in due course of the law, discriminating between cases, and punishing people based on equality. Good try.
  19. My sister ain't a drug using, lying, gold digging drunkard, so...
  20. Still doesn't invalidate the fact that not all cases are equal, and in this society some people are punished more severely, for whatever reasons, for crimes that are not as bad or equal to others who get a damn near slap on the hand. As for not caring about how many games that Hardy gets, that's fine. Me, I'd much rather get a third round pick that I feel that the organization absolutely deserves, but for hypocrisy and inequality in which the way that league rules were applied, rules that had much more to do with the sociopolitical climate than morality.
  21. Not unless his sentenced is reduced to six games.
  22. Oh, now you remind me of someone preaching to me that sin is sin. The Bible does say that, but nowhere does it say that all sins are equal. For you guys to just try and make all of these cases equal is just either intellectually disingenuous or intellectually lazy. Whatever makes your bleeding hearts feel emotionally better. Like I said, we live in a society full of hypocrites, and to a large degree based upon inequality. Hide your heads in the sand because that's what you've probably been doing all along anyway.
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