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Everything posted by SIGCHI222

  1. It is of the Devil... Never end a sentence in a preposition....
  2. I realize Germans should not have been German's as I posted. Carry on. Is "on" a preposition? Never end a sentence with a preposition. <Goes back to finally read Dex's original post>
  3. OK. Great, now you and me both are drunk. This is why I let the German's have my tickets, I knew this is what would happen if me and you were in the same vicinity.
  4. What is the link? Make it simple. I am 99 years old. Not poo I don't know WTF. I copy the http: it doesn't work, I click the "embed" button I get poo. Help me young grasshopper. (I'm not kidding send me a PM if you need to)
  5. Although I did not have to travel to the land o' lederhosen, I still had to forfeit my tickets to BMW clients. I truly hate I didn't get to come and meet you. Great write up BTW. And help an old man. How do you embed youtube vids. I can't figure it out. And I usually drink at night. And it's night.
  6. Did you Jangle de Bo whilst visiting my good man?
  7. I'll read it later but I pie'd you now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kHal6gu9yc You beautiful bitch.
  8. What happened!?!!?!?!?!?!??!? I blacked out. WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!?!?!
  9. If we win and my wife asks for sex, I'm gonna tell her, "Nah, I'm good."
  10. Time for that turnover Captain left on the field.
  11. Can't imagine other boards of other teams having the luxury of a sideline photographer as their leader. We get the good stuff.
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