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Everything posted by SIGCHI222

  1. This all started when they held their training camp at the West Virginia resort. Who "resorts" in West Virginia?
  2. I have lived in California, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Colorado, South Carolina and North Carolina. Never heard anyone ever use the term "Carolina Blue Skies" or even "Carolina Blue" outside of North Carolina. Baby blue...yes. Carolina blue...no.
  3. First time Mikey fugs up....and this guy says, " Do that again and I will eliminate your ability to reproduce, here and now, with a leg sweep and my teeth", we may be on to something.
  4. The dress is blue and black...anyone who says otherwise thinks Bell should be resigned to play starting LT next year.
  5. The dress is blue and black....I am not sure why this is so hard to understand.
  6. This statement. This thought flow. This totally alien mantra compared to Hurney way of looking at things gives me hope. I'm not back in Kansas yet, but the heels have been clicked, it's getting cloudy all around and I am praying to God that Gettleman doesn't have a stroke tomorrow. Or a massive hear attack. Dear God, don't take the asshole that is now our GM.
  7. When my Mom dies, I won't give 2 shlts if the organization I work for reaches out to me. I think losing my Mother will be much more on my mind than concentrating on who is sending me condolences. Sounds kind of self-centered to me.
  8. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
  9. Dear sigchi222, Enjoy it while it lasts. -sigchi222
  10. It continues to play when I go to other posts and doesn't play when I go to it exclusively. As I type this I only have one internet window/tab open and am typing this and just heard, "Without # 77, some guy, Luke is the most politically correct etc". There is no other window open other than this one on the huddle.
  11. Hog Mollies are not svelte. He needs to get to eating.
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