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Everything posted by SIGCHI222

  1. When Hardy's appeal appears to be gaining ground, watch how someone accidentally (ooops) releases the pics via twitter. If it gets ugly...Roger will pull out all the stops. Hardy hasn't a prayer.
  2. Average temperature in Jacksonville on 9/13.......86 degrees. You lucky bastages! You farging cork suckers!!! Have fun you iceholes.
  3. Gurley will be a stud, Gordon will be a JAG. To compare the 2 is asinine.
  4. Were you dropped on your head from a height of 12 or more feet in the last 24 hours? TD telling a Panther player....on this team.....on this roster....to "Never do our best". WTF is this gibberish? Are you high?
  5. Half of us have said, "fukk it" about work tomorrow and are waiting around for the Jennings announcement at 1:00 AM. Dumbasses are getting banned and we are out of rum apparently. How are you?
  6. So....the hammer hath been unleashed and Mighty Zod has returned to his throne. Dumbasses beware lest...
  7. Ealy plays for his sister you dumb fukks...don't doubt his motivation.
  8. From your lips to God's ears.....bup bup bup bup bup.
  9. And those that only see in black and white continue to spew their dogma. Back up people. Cam wants something from Getts, Getts wants something from Cam but, that is just on the surface. In fact, both parties want lots of things from each other and until a deal gets done or Cammy Cam walks this is all just conjecture. That said, my guess is that Cam ain't going nowhere. Carry on....
  10. That is a straight out lie. Star was 3rd or 4th round after his supposed heart aliment. Less than 25% of mock drafts had us picking KB last year, they all had us going tackle. You may need to do some research brah.
  11. Can't wait for draft day...some of you are going to be so surprised while the rest of us will immediately see how the pick makes sense. Gettleman is not going into that square hole you want him to.
  12. McCullough or Stihl is better, Poulan sucks.
  13. Kroeg's may well become the next Kilgo in this market. Give it 35 more years but it may happen. I hated Marq James with a passion and celebrated by drinking until I passed out the day he was fired but when they hired Chris, I was like WTF? Why didn't they just bring back the asshole Packer? After many months of listening, he allrite....even though he is a Boongoon......I am looking at you too Rumgone. You idiots got to get it together and listen. http://wfnz.com/
  14. No, no, no...then we would have to find somebody else to do the CPI commercials.
  15. I take no greater pride in the internet that I assisted in personally helping Marc James get fired. DJ the Suit is a good man that listens to his constituents. I would bludgeon Marc James with a baby seal baseball bat with a nail at the end of it for 50 cents.
  16. Looking forward to the pics he will post on his FB page of him and his daughter asleep on the couch in their Steeler footie PJ's until I ask myself, "Who the hell took the picture?" Guy plays the PR angle like Liberace.
  17. I think you and be could be buddies. You are a smartass but then again, so am I. In all honesty, what are you guys doing? We are cool, yes?
  18. I will count you as someone who doesn't have a prayer of winning the South or as having a practice facility makes you any better of a football player.
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