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About GentlemanJack

  • Birthday May 28

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  1. Not infamous but I have a Kevin Greene jersey for back in the early days.
  2. I’m not usually a downer but man this is pathetic. I’ve never seen a professional team so unprepared. This is truly embarrassing.
  3. I think that I have only “ignored “ one person on a forum. It was back in the N&O Panthers forum named sledge. I quickly joined this place when it first started up. I believe I was one of the first wave of member ever to join here although I never post.
  4. I signed up for AT&T NOW because I didn’t want to be under a contract. I’ll be damned if they didn’t discontinue the service two days later. Fortunately, I was grandfathered in. Once Hulu or YTTV gets Bally’s, I’m going back.
  5. Looking at the map, I would guess that the Hurricanes/Hornets will be on Bally Sports South and the other teams will be on Bally Sports Southeast. It’s kinda like right now we have FS Carolinas but cannot see Braves games.
  6. I very rarely post. Been lurking around here since around 04/05. I loved Luke at BC and even more now. Bought his jersey during the offseason in prepararton for this year. I'm on Twitter and I follow the Huddle there but check it at all. I don't even recall my handle. Pathetic, I know..
  7. With the loss at Buffalo, I think this team definitely has the mindset of not overlooking/past any team. I do not believe that there will be any letdown against the Dolphins. Actually, I believe the defense will be even more fired up this week.
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