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Blu Cat

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About Blu Cat

  • Birthday 01/01/1979

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  1. Really sorry you and your family have to face this. I’ve been just about exactly where you are, and I know it’s impossible to even describe the hell this existence is in words, no matter how descriptive. Though I didn’t have the food-recycling puppy issues. Our added burden was because it was the start of the pandemic, I had to add 2x home school teacher to my duties. I think the term caretaker is such an underwhelming word, it falls incredibly short of what it means. It almost sounds benign, when its one of the most brutal and draining positions a person can ever find themselves in. I know words of encouragement are just words that don’t change a situation, but the positive energy is still sent towards you all. What one of the doctors said that kind of helped me was to celebrate all the wins, no matter how small. Being able to hold on to any little victory or rare moment of positivity helps hold onto sanity through the journey. I found that as long as there was a small kernel of hope that existed, it was something I could try to move towards. The absolute worst part. I felt every part of this. All you can do is keep taking the steps that are in front of you, and don’t ever be afraid to seek a different doctor’s opinion if anything ever feels off.
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