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Everything posted by frash.exe

  1. Well that's all well and good, but you should really know that if you don't spray money everywhere when free agency kicks off then you are literally hitler
  2. Reminds me of the panthers in 2009, a year after we blew our load on a 12-4 season where we got dominated in the playoffs and cut all of our aging vets and had nobody to immediately replace them.
  3. Getting 900 receiving yards in Jacksonville like he did a few years ago is like getting 1800 yards on any other team
  4. I'm okay with this 1. He'll make Brady retire sooner 2. My father is a Fins fan so I'm glad he went there 3. We don't have to play the Dolphins (unless we somehow meet in the SB) until 2017.
  5. Wow I hope this Kirkland Signature Offensive Tackle is really good
  6. Isn't it one of those things you get when you have sleep apnea
  7. What does all this have to do with all black uniforms tho?
  8. I'd always been under the impression that JR had his "sons" on the team, chosen ones, whatever you'd call them, but I also thought that Williams was definitely one of them.
  9. We'll have to hear JR's side of the story the next time he decides to speak in public at some point in the next seven years...
  10. Because these disgruntled players all have been given the impression by Hurney until 2012 that they have a right to be here and live off the fat of the land, and Gettleman has taken that away from them because overpaid complacent players don't win football games
  11. If we could only hack the space-time continuum, pick wilson in the second round of the 2012 draft, and let him sit as backup to cam with the knowledge that we changed fate obvious to seahawks fans, it would be the ultimate troll job ever pulled off.
  12. Everybody's jerking off to their own agenda in this thread just like any other Holder no showed. It's very plausible Hardy's side reached a settlement. He's not coming back. The end.
  13. Anyways, I guess this thread was made in response to the Hardy build up. Like most decisions that are made behind the doors of the executive office, there's probably several reasons not to keep Hardy. The biggest of which happens to be his off the field bullshit. Whether or not he's guilty, the fact that this has even become an issue reeks of his irresponsibility. His association with Holder ended up costing the team millions of dollars we could have otherwise used to help other positions of need. It made the entire organization look like a haven for wife beaters because nobody fact checks these news sources when they take things out of context or just outright lie, and perception is reality. It cost the team when he had to wreck his bike and hurt himself a few years ago. He's too much of a loose cannon to help this team. You have to take into account someone's ability to maintain composure when bringing them on board. That doesn't mean you just obsessive compulsively draft players that are off field saints and have no skill. You just have to reasonably keep it in mind. And some things happen that are just unforeseen.
  14. https://soundcloud.com/audiomusicblog/the-weeknd-house-of-balloons
  15. Waiting for us to sign a guy with the last name Frash
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