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Everything posted by frash.exe

  1. legitimately thought bwood was black and late 20s/early 30s now I know different
  2. Thinkaboutit is easily one of the top 3 most annoying posters right now. 14-0 and he broods over every single negative play.
  3. You ever had that dream where your fighting somebody/running /moving around underwater? that's what the Panthers look like today
  4. The nj.com boards are infested with post hoc idiocy. I can only applaud those for holding ODB accountable there, but I mean, cmon, look at this crap: http://www.nj.com/giants/index.ssf/2015/12/carolina_panthers_threatened_to_end_giants_odell_b.html#incart_river_mobileshort_home_pop It's just like any fanboy to search for any little morsel to grasp onto in order to exonerate OBJ of his actions on the field. I don't hate Beckham Jr, even after the classless act he displayed, but that was as far as classless went in this game. He jawed at the entire defense. He roughed up Cortland Finnegan (a guy who has been notorious for getting in WRs' heads) and tried to instigate a fight with him. Cortland decided to be a pacifist. We all saw this on television, yet the angry whining Giants fanboy legion is complaining about all of this ambiguous crap that isn't anywhere near as substantiative as what Beckham displayed on the field. As for the rest of the Giants, they handled the situation very classy (at least during the game), as well as the Panthers. The difference is that while the rest of the Panthers were able to get a hold of Norman's ear and calm him down, the Giants couldn't do the same to Beckham because he snapped. He had no business playing in that game, a point conveniently ignored by the butthurt fans in the comment section.
  5. Good job Funchess fug DRC forever for that Arizona playoff game in 2009
  6. This is the worst I've seen them all year they are completely getting dominated up front on both sides of the ball Cam is hurt Really fug this game
  7. The Vikings really aren't that good this year and this difficult closing schedule is exposing them.
  8. Hey Arnold's room in real life as a kid I dreamed of having a room like that. Now I dunno how I would do it because I hate any light when I'm trying to sleep lol
  9. oh hai bumbling awful panthers from the past what brings you here today?
  10. God damn defense wtf is wrong with you guys this week
  11. OH this fuging Brees can you just retire already why couldn't New Orleans sign Culpepper that offseason
  12. This defense is fuging terrible against guys with top end speed
  13. Lol Brandon Lafell's dumb ass just pulled on a route and Brady got picked again
  14. You think the panthers are having a poo game well the Pats are getting roughed up by the Eagles lol
  15. Is it me or do we have to deal with that jumping over the top bullshit every fuging week?
  16. Lol this is the QB that was going to beat our undefeated asses huh
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