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Everything posted by TheMaulClaw

  1. One of the dumbest things I've ever seen. He will blame it on analytics in the post game presser.
  2. We might actually have a shot if we do it quickly then.
  3. I appreciate what your saying and your optimism, but I think what you're actually saying is we are losing against bad teams.
  4. Mcadoo is like a restaurant whose menu is way to big. It's bad for the customers, and it's bad for ordering costs. That said this isn't his or Baker's fault really. This is all on Rhule. When you bring in a new qb, and a OC who is known to have an absurdly big playbook this is the poo you get.
  5. We didn't miss out on nepotism. We just received another form and it wasn't a direct family member.
  6. I think we matchup well with the Cards. I also think we have an improved O line and the run game looks good. The reality is that we are good in the right areas. Now whether the coach can manage the game correctly we will see. We win if Baker doesn't poo the bed.
  7. Phil Snow has done a good job this season. What the D has done with our lack of offensive production is really impressive. I don't like Rhule and there are things that Ive questioned about Snow but he has done a good job with that D this year. The Browns ran well on us but they're the best running team in football. Even with the deficiencies on D it's been the O that has cost us games.
  8. I mean whatever is going on, there is certainly a toxic under current with what's happening with this franchise. I think it comes from the top. When the team goes around and starts wasting taxpayer money on projects that it bails out on, on top of a nine game losing streak and a 5 year playoff drought the fans should be pissed. If you think the media and fans are going to excuse that along with losing....not gonna happen. There are only two reasons that even remotely make sense for Tepper to keep Rhule. The buyout being number one. Secondly, maybe you don't want to give off the vibe to the next coach that he will be fired after a season if he doesn't produce the results in the first year. Whatever the case may be, legit coaches don't need 3 years to turn around a franchise. Every team has players. The talent gap is not so big where we can't see marked improvement almost instantly with a new coach. With our previous two coaches we saw almost instant turnarounds. In 2002 we started Rodney Peete and went 7-9 with a first year head coach and went to the Superbowl the following year. With Ron we saw the team improve it's record the first year, then the playoffs, then a crescendo to a Superbowl. Long story short, because of the parody and the salary cap, a traditional long term "let's build the foundation" approach is archaic and a waste of time.
  9. Can we not pay the media off to cook up a nice Tepper scandal?
  10. I've never seen someone in his position bounce back and not be a bust.
  11. Fitt is a mixed bag. He has made some great moves, and he's made some headscratchers. Matt Corral was a bad pick, but Mayfield truly does look like an absolute steal. We appear to be better at tackle, yet we've ignored defensive tackle. I'm willing to see what Fitt can do without Matt Rhule. I would imagine that Fitt deep down wants a chance to pick his coach. If we don't turtle at the end of that game and settle for a field goal because of coaching decisions we're probably feeling pretty good about ourselves.
  12. I have no problem with them easing CMAC back in. Dude needs to make it a full season.
  13. MagnusVerMagnussen was another great poster on the very old Charlotte.com boards.
  14. I wish him a good recovery. Honestly, I haven't been impressed with Corral. I know it's an unpopular opinion. I know some Huddlers are going to point to how young he is and adjusting to the speed of the game. To that I say, even when talented qbs are new to the NFL, they typically show something in preseason games that's impressive. There is usually an identifiable trait you can see in the game, the x factor they bring. I don't see that with Corral. I hope I'm wrong, but my money is on a wasted pick.
  15. Yep craziest game I ever saw, and the Bucs had all that hype coming off their superbowl dub. Joe Jurevicious was supposed to be the man that year, and then he got hurt.
  16. I personally think we need this attitude on our defense. I would rather a guy have it and then get reigned in by coaches then a guy just not have that brutality. Better to be the hammer then the nail. We all know the playoffs is about who can get away with hurting the others stars and not get called. I've seen many a Panthers season derailed by other teams taking out our best players. They pretty much did it to Cam every game.
  17. Not enough to do a thorough evaluation, but there was something about the offense that felt more hopeful. I felt like we were going to get in field goal position at the end, and also the first drive looked good. Really, we've been lacking solid scripted opening drives for a while. McAdoo seems to be solid at that.
  18. Yeah I don't think PJ is worth of all the hate here. He has been a good backup. When he been asked to start he has done enough to not lose us the game. He deserves enough of our respect enough to not be trashed just because we picked up a 3rd round qb.
  19. I personally hope it is a competition. I know it's popular opinion to poo on Sam, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Sam be much improved. I can see a difference in his body while he is standing at the podium. He has a good demeanor. With an improved line he could have a big year if he wins out the competition.
  20. I think everyone was pretty positive when Tepper got the team. Although he wasn't my first choice I certainly gave him a shot. The team is a representation of the area. Getting cities like Rock Hill to invest millions and then pullout at the dark of night leaving a monumental skeletal structure to rot away harms normal people. Selling us goods about an Eastland mall site to revitalize a depressed area of Charlotte cost many investors and people looking to move potential businesses millions. Many people purchased homes in these areas on the backs of these developments. The equity damage this man has caused people rivals that of a devastating hurricane. As a public figure who rode into town promising revitalization, who used this image to sell himself to the area it is gross negligence and in my view criminal not to follow through. Do I hate the man? No. Am I aggrivated? Hell yes.
  21. Yes. He has to meditate by candlelight about the abstract striations of something pure before he can harness the power to fug something up so bad.
  22. He has made billions destroying everything he touches.
  23. His contract was up. What could the team do? So was Abby's. The team didn't resign either. Maybe you should get mad at Tampa for giving Cole a contract.
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