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Everything posted by TheMaulClaw

  1. The rational side of me wanted to root for the Panthers. The emotional side of me was happy they lost.
  2. You mean his richest year of employment? I wouldn't feel bad.
  3. On the eighth day, God created the Carolina Hurricanes.
  4. Yeah I actually like the trade. It's not that I think Darnold is "the answer". It's just that he could pleasantly surprise. He's only 23, and he has some talent. If you think that Kyle Allen brought us a fourth then the trade isn't too bad. I think we could easily evaluate where Darnold is at this year and if he breaks out then great....he should be a reasonable contract. If he doesn't then....we will survive.
  5. Deshaun just needs to get massages from fat dudes from now on. You hire a hot girl to start massaging you and you're gonna make some bad decisions. You're going to get a boner and then you take a chance and then it costs you millions.
  6. Biggest bullshit ever. Almost every massage I've ever gotten, and not talking about questionable places tell you to dress to your comfort. I doubt it's the first time that this private masseuse has ever seen someone naked. She just wants money. Same for the other one. It's definitely the wrong profession if you don't want see someone naked.
  7. Ultimately I feel encouraged that we will even be able to field an Oline this year.
  8. If we really trying to win the cup then we need to keep Dougie.
  9. I think with the shrinking of the cap, Oline like this become more sought after in the FA market. Every team is looking for affordable Oline depth and this fits the bill.
  10. Yeah I'm gonna take the Canes all day too.
  11. Tripp is a pretty accesible guy. Speak to him quite a bit. I think he knows how to deliver PG adult humor.
  12. Gonna file that away into the Trippisms thread.
  13. Tripp Tracy: " He has the ability to penetrate the skin...in all the right ways."
  14. lol I mindlessly clicked the first thread.
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