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Everything posted by TheMaulClaw

  1. If he plays well I don't think his contract would be horrible. At this point, you would have to think his preference would be to stay here if he can. I mean the contract we just gave him has to earn a lot of good will, and Cam will never see the love like he will here anywhere else.
  2. It's not your money. Teddy comes off the books soon. Darnold will be dead money but whatever. We have the cap space this year. Cam probably brought in more then 10mil in revenue just yesterday. Also unless he gets us into the playoffs, he's not seeing 10 mil. We have cap room next year. Tepper is one of the richest people in the country. Cam's contract is like paying for a Netflix subscription for Tepper. Just enjoy the ride and be entertained. As much as I get annoyed with Tepper, I'll never say he's cheap.
  3. I think a 2 year deal would be most likely. I also think that is the best possible outcome for both sides. Obviously if he plays well you'd bring him back at the end of that, but a two year deal allows us flexibility if next season happens to be awful. I love bringing him back, but we still have to groom a qb at some point. I'd be completely cool riding with Cam next season since the market is bare, and letting him take the starting/mentorship role the following year. I love signing, because Cam and Charlotte are a perfect fit, and he gives us the best chance to win. This season he has no pressure. Next season however, if he has a rough 4 or 5 game stretch it will be time to look at drafting the next eventual starter.
  4. If you thought our previous regimes had mastered the art of not saying poo in their press conference, then watch Joe Brady's. Masterful.
  5. I mean I think we've had enough guys who played under the old system. Who would know the plays.
  6. With Cam back and our still bad Oline opt....I think you have too bring back our reqd option offense with QB1. Dust off the pre Joe Brady playbook, and let Cam and CMC play ball. We can't expect Cam to start quickly unless we bring back what him and some of the other guys already know. It would be wrong to expect to jam Cam in the Darnold offense.
  7. Im excited to hear from Cam and the Panthers. Anyone know when they take the podium?
  8. I'll be happy to have Cam come back and play. It's not really about winning, it's about healing this fanbase, organization, and Cam. I was definitely one that thought it was time to move on from the Cam, but in retrospect I wasn't happy with the way it went down, and we had no one that could fill the massive void he left. This will be good for the fans, and hopefully inject some excitement in the locker room.
  9. The reality is when it comes to strictly the football and stadium side, JR was a very good owner. Not saying some of the creepy stuff was good, but if we could have eliminated that and kept the football and team stuff the same that would have been great.
  10. Hey may be bad but he is tough. Poor guy never should have been played. Poor coaching.
  11. What do you want to bet that he plays well in Houston?
  12. The ref threw it for bumping into him I think...not for the taunt.
  13. I'd just have to say that I think Cam doesn't want to come back here. I don't blame him. I feel that if the Panthers thought he would come back they would leave that door open, but they handled Cam incorrectly.
  14. Panthers are spot on symbolism for post covid America.
  15. What I mean is an owner that is so rich a sports team isnt even a big investment for them.
  16. People think that having a rich owner is a good thing. It's an awful thing. Rich people are rich because they're cheap. They aren't worried about the art, symbolism, or legacy. Putting a crappy surface on the field is exactly what a rich owner would do. Give me an owner who cares.
  17. Im blaming the coaching staff for playing a mediocre and concussed qb, and for playing Burns despite the game being lost and being already injured once in the game.
  18. Wait till one day Tepper's gold digging wife gets the keys to the team.
  19. Yeah lets keep calling plays that get our guys hurt in a lost cause.
  20. Rhule is done. If I was a player, Id quit on him. They really dont deserve the ratings or fans going to the game anymore.
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