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Everything posted by TheMaulClaw

  1. You know they aren't all gonna be sexy, but when your team can bang them anyway....that's a great sign. It's a long season and the league is full of parody. Whether the team is off a bit because of the travel, or time change, to grind out these dubs speaks volumes. If you think about it, we just had daylight savings time. To the biological clock of our team that game felt like it started at 11pm. If you're a finely tuned athlete that has a physical routine, that will make a big difference in energy levels. Ultimately what's winning us these type of games is our line depth. When we can roll out 4 solid lines, we should be able to take over in the 3rd and that's what happened. I'd like to see faster starts, Svech get his scoring swag back, and a little pep in the PP. However, no matter what team, their will always be stretches where a player can't get it into the net, or the PP slumps. To win in spite of that says more, then when those things are clicking. After a loss to Philly at home, to turn around and beat 3 good teams in a row...very impressive.
  2. Gutsy win...glad Pesce is back. 13-2....holy hell. Canes Are Hockey. Top Titty Bar down!
  3. I encourage everyone to check out his presser. You can really tell what his time in Charlotte meant to him. It seems that he has a hard time talking about it without emotion.
  4. Not that it should make a difference, but Cam seems like a strong Christian to me. Although it's my humble opinion that what religion you are, or what politics you believe shouldn't matter in sports. I could care less if your a socialist or a trump supporter as long as you do your job on the field, a good teammate, and help sell the brand.
  5. Oh man, we're having fun confusing the hell out of their fans. The rare kindness troll.
  6. Oh I def think that Cam should see the most snaps during the practice week.....I just don't want to see us drop any winnable games until Cam is full tilt.
  7. Reddick has to be resigned, the Jackson, then Gilmore. Reddick needs to be here, he's the best player on defense.
  8. I'm not arguing that he doesn't offer so much more, only that he's only had a week to practice. I just want to make sure he's comfortable out there.
  9. I don't think anyone is saying that Cam shouldn't be the eventual full time starter. You could make an argument that PJ spotted Cam those TD's. It's all irrelevant anyway. PJ played well, and Cam played well. PJ executed the gameplan and really deserved to be rewarded with a TD. Cam came in to do his thing. I wouldn't be opposed to running a 2qb system for another game or too as Cam settles in and develops his timing with the wrs.
  10. You can just look at that guy and see the years and years of hard drinking.
  11. Heinecke is going to meet Reddick and that won't be good for Heinecke.
  12. It is a lot easier to leverage a new stadium if there is excitement around the team. I think it is both a box office and box score move, which is the best kind.
  13. Nice little blurb from the Blues PGT. "Hard to beat a team with a Bear and a Lyon in the line up."
  14. I expect Cam to throw the ball better as he gets more comfortable. He is healthy so it has to be better. I expect some missed throws his first game back, but I also expect Cams presence to open things up for McCaffery. Im not sure how much stock you can put into Cam's season last year. The covid issues are well documented. Lets just wait and see. If anything, a better rushing attack and fewer turnovers will equate to wins.
  15. I think the Canes have some problems on O. No one seems to be able to finish. That said it was a good effort. Hart played out of his mind. We were the better team. We win the game with Pesce and Necas. Leivo, who never plays, had the game losing mistake. We will be ok.
  16. Well we look like the better team but no puck luck and our top line has been missing.
  17. I'm so eager to see Cam play too, but I'm not sure if it would be wise. I know Cam can pick things up quick. I'm reminded of his rookie year when there was pretty much no offseason because of the CBA and how well he did. I just think we'd be better served to ease him back into the physicality of the game.
  18. I think the key to opening up those throws are PJ using his legs. If we can force a spy then some holes in the secondary should open up.
  19. Alright the game this week is definitely overshadowed for us....I mean Cam is fugging back. That said, it's a must win. Prior to Cam coming back it felt like such a downward slide that no redirection was possible. Even though we're only a game out of the wildcard we might as well have been mathematically eliminated. There was no saving the season, but lo....there is hope. So now the team must find a way to go get this dub to set the table for the unthinkable run we're destined for. The stuff of dreams. PJ Walker would show impressive professionalism to go out and deliver a solid performance for the team. There isn't much pro tape on Walker and that gives us a small advantage. Different cadence, different tendencies, and a little harder to game plan for specifics. So here are the keys in my view. 1) Adjusting our running game. We have to use misdirection and read option. If we can force the DE's to sit on the option it should open up some holes between the tackles and the guards. 2) Limiting turnovers. This is an easy and lazy key to the game, but it's still important. I think we need to see some safe throws from PJ. If we're moving the ball and nothing is there....take the 3 points. 3) Keeping Murray contained. I actually think we matchup well defensively with a team like the Cardinals. We have depth at CB to match their receivers and we have speed on the ends. The Cards are going to want to move Murray out of the pocket, so we're going to have to counter this with our speed on the edge. The Burns injury hurts, but we're still a fast defense. Ultimately would be an absolutely huge win that sets the stage for Cam's return. I hope PJ comes out motivated and not deflated. Even in the back up role he has a chance to be an important part of this team. Keep Pounding!
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