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Everything posted by philw5289

  1. Seriously, the coaching staff shouldn't have guys in the game who have had injury problems this year. We're dominating this game and Arizona is getting whipped but god forbid we look at the score of that game in the stadium. This is on the coaching staff if we lose peanut for significant time
  2. From the tweets I've read seemed like he was in a lot of pain. Really worried about this doesn't sound good
  3. This is all were gonna see in the playoffs. Constant blitzes. Hopefully the coaching staff reacts accordingly
  4. Explain the baby celebration then!!! Haha good post
  5. So today we've seen the nakamura play from 2012 and the infamous fumble to clinch the division in 2013
  6. Remember when Rivera was god awful at challenges? My how the times have changed
  7. They're right. Cap hasn't had any playing time what do you expect
  8. If we put backups in at every position we still wouldn't lose to these bums at this point
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