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About HubKat

  • Birthday 11/14/1973

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  1. Literally just got moved as I was reading this - to Huddle Lounge of all places. I had to search to find it again. Not cool. I’m another of the older crowd who came over from Observer Forum (although post count is minimal)…. moving the thread = part of the mentality I’ve seen on here lately.
  2. Same issues....iPhone user. Click on topic & takes minutes to load. Tried multiple browsers.
  3. As I sit here fuming at my NFL Sunday Ticket - can't get more than a few seconds of footage before it goes down again & again & again. Only option up here in Maine.
  4. Please someone finally get rid of him. He's as bad if not worse than a bandwagon fan. He claims to be legit. PanthersUnited in case there's any confusion.
  5. Seriously? What's this team doesn't deserve is you as a fan
  6. Not sure if it was said earlier - but after Corey's last catch the clock kept running (he went out of bounds) and no one caught it.
  7. Shared. Pics were great, write ups were even better.
  8. As the Head Coach for both a High School and Middle School in Eastern NC I enjoyed every minute of the Women's World Cup. To those that don't understand the game I hope tonight's game was as exciting for you as it was for me. It is rare to see a team score in the fashion that the USA women did against Japan. To the guy who doesn't like soccer - what else was on today for sports that was worth watching more than the World Cup? No Football (well...there actually was Futbal), basketball, hockey. Might have been some baseball, but there is like what - 100 more games or more of that. Name one team sport where you have players that literally run 90+ minutes up and down a field bigger than a football field. No pads, no timeouts, no coaching (very little in game coaching), no water breaks. Don't get me wrong - I still love my "Football" - but there's room for both. Sorry for the rant. Great Game - USA!
  9. Not sure why everyone is afraid of playing Hardy. As a High School and Middle School soccer coach I tell my players that "One Player does not make a team". Hardy can be a character, fun to watch, good at what he does, but he is only one man. Plan accordingly, put pressure on the man - basically do your job and the rest will take care of itself. If you get to worried about one man as a group - that's when issues arise. I say let him go wherever he ends up and if we play him we play him. Its one game and we plan accordingly. He isn't the first to leave us and then play us and he won't be the last. Also - to be the best you have to beat the best, right? So if he is considered one of the best - then wouldn't we WANT to play him? I know I would. Just my two cents...
  10. Without reading the middle of this thread - and without taking the time to look it up myself, how much money does Tom Brady make. The patriots don't overpay their players generally and use the rotate out next man up philosophy. I don't hear about Brady being paid top dollar but he's the most important piece to their puzzle, much like Cam. I say use that as a measuring stick.
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