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Cam's New Arm

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About Cam's New Arm

  • Birthday 10/31/1988

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  1. Amazing what you can do with a better OL
  2. Got him 1k and shelved him for the draft position. I'm good with it. Good year for him.
  3. You want to look out for his health but want to put him as a returner??
  4. We all remember Cam's game against Washington, with 8 neutral zone infractions. Cam talks about that here and gives Sam Mills Jr. some flowers for helping him become what he was. Credit to the OP
  5. I like watching them with McDermott and Josh Allan and closing my eyes and pretending it's us with Cam still. Right in the feels, every time.
  6. If Bryce can play in and out of the pocket the way he did on Sunday, while cleaning up just a few more of his passes, he could be a mid-teir starter.
  7. I read this as though DB, our LB's and OG were all hanging out a window at practice. Then I laughed and then I cried.
  8. It got ugly early and it continued to be ugly. We needed a quick out on D to start the game and a nice, no pressure drive for our guy. He came out swinging while nervous and never settled until it was far too late. It didn't look great and doesn't look promising but it was the worst case scenario to start that game. When the other team scores on a 50 yard bomb, you're automatically going to feel the pressure to answer.
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