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Everything posted by ctrcat

  1. Why? They have Okung and why would he want to go to the kooky NW with no friends and a team that has yet more dissension today with Bennett wanting a trade.
  2. I'd say it narrows it down alright. To one. Nothing could be finer...than to be in MotherfuggingCarolina.
  3. He also said measurements could be overcome if said player played as "mean as a rattlesnake". I think La'el was exactly who he was speaking of! JMO.
  4. Cam, Luke, Star, KB, et al? Decade of dominance. Come on down La'el.
  5. They conveniently didn't bring their 2014 first round pick Ja'waun James or gajillion dollar FA Brandon Albert to the party. Or their QB not named Cameron. Think La'el. Think.
  6. Cost of living and other taxes (whopping property tax in Texas) usually make up the difference. Can't hide from the G.
  7. Because other than a very small pocket of this nation's population that are Auburn or Panther fans, they wish he was theirs. It's called envy.
  8. It's a new day and while I'm not active on social media, it wouldn't annoy me. Blowing up my personal phone or space from random strangers, yes, but that's not happening. Love through social media or other creative ways? I'd love it. JMO.
  9. Somewhat disagree. Not that I don't hear what you're saying, but other teams are likely in his ear constantly and in terms of sheer numbers will likely overwhelm us. Rex Ryan ate dinner with him last night and the Dolphins sent players to meet with him already. Even his boy Trai said to keep showing love. The Bible story of the woman who pleaded to the judge to the point of annoyance before he relented comes to mind. This is an unprecedented free-for-all. Let's stand out. Or go down swinging with all we got at the very least.
  10. In addition to playing the position he wants to play from day 1, playing with best bud Trai Turner, and playing with a stud QB on a playoff team, someone needs to send him a cost of living comparison/chart which helped make Charlotte the fastest growing city of the millennium. With the same $$$ on the table, it's just one more thing for him to soak in as much and as soon as possible. I do not have twitter or I would.
  11. http://vikingsterritory.com/2015/vt-news/lael-collins-starts-the-process-of-visiting-teams This Vikings story lists the Vikings, PANTHERS, Ravens, Eagles, Colts, Bucs, Cardinals, Rams, and Lions as rumored potential landing spots. As meaningless as this is it's pretty freakin funny that it's void of the "hometown" team.
  12. Again, kudos. And condolences to the victims.
  13. May be but I wonder if he's ever been banned on another board and came back to said board under a different name? If you weren't one of the tens of thousands (thousands? hundreds? handful? who knows how many were left at that point but they were heard) that cheered when they thought Cam was injured before he flashed the pearly whites and proceeded to kick more @$$, then kudos to you. But I'd call that pretty classless.
  14. ^ A hurt, back-to-back, defending NFCS Champ GOAT. If he survived last year, and still left you with these lasting images of the worst beatdown in the greatest era of Saints football history, I think we'll be OK. The rest is meaningless gobbledygook and/or wishful thinking. But thanks for helping further prove why La'el belongs here.
  15. You undersell your worse nightmare, Cameron Jerrell Newton, getting back to 100% and not having an UDFA French Canadian that never played in the states at the LT position.
  16. It wouldn't be the first time the Panthers have benefitted from tragedy. In 2012 the murder/suicide in KC was THE only reason we lost that game. Without that loss Star is a saint. PS-off topic, if not for the murder/suicide in KC and epic, Hollywood type fluke at home against the Bucs, we literally steamroll to 7 straight wins to end that year.
  17. I want to keep it on the front page because it makes too much sense not to happen.
  18. Bump for La'el. You're gonna love it here Mr. Collins!!!
  19. Yes it is. It's cheaper with a higher quality of life. Among others, Mike Tolbert left San Diego for that reason and I personally talked to Ed Dickson of Inglewood, CA and the University of Oregon, not to mention a world champ in Baltimore, that chose us over Miami with zero ties here whatsoever, having to play with a Pro-Bowl TE. From a football perspective, there is no team in football with a brighter foreseeable future and golden opportunity to play than right here. Those cities haven't won titles in eons or ever, and darn sure aren't again before we do. Why would he want to compete with the #13 overall pick in NO on a team going backward when he could play here immediately on a better team with his best friend to boot?
  20. Genius. Absolute genius. While everyone is waking up and shaking off cobwebs GMan strikes again like a viper. LOVE IT!!!
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