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Everything posted by ctrcat

  1. Hang in there amigo and keep fighting the good fight. No different than the Bulls vs Pistons circa 1991. They're a house of cards. Only a matter of time.
  2. Whoohoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Ed Dickson told me personally Cam was the toughest player he'd ever played with, and credits him for wanting to stay. Who wouldn't want to be a part of the greatest dynasty of the salary cap era right? Other 31-prepare thy anus.
  4. Jake punking DeAngelo Hall by running for a game clinching first down May not be at the top, but deserves note at least.
  5. I can make a good argument for at least a dozen, but completing the sweep in 2005 over Vick and his cronies in their place 44-11 and sealing a playoff birth was extra sweet after they had had our number. I hate the falcons.
  6. Great is winning back-to-back division titles on the road by 62 points when you've got a bum ankle, ribs, broken back, an UDFA chit fest @OT, and your stud rookie #1 WR is dropping balls left and right.
  7. We have dibs over those aholes on this one. Other teams have dibs over us though. Just gotta hope.
  8. The fact that our QB is healthy is SOOOOO underrated by these fools. That alone makes this a GREAT offseason. The rest is icing on the cake.
  9. Who knows. Depends on the argument. We still have less than the Colts (and the reason is obvious that I use them) and others, but because I like the Panthers more than Cam/Luck in fantasy, I'm happy we took Shaq over Dorsett, for example. What we all wouldn't give for Ginn to be the 2013 Ginn and for Brown/Hill/Byrd to reach their full potential.
  10. No sympathy here. For Fowler yes. For Jacksonville, zero, zip, zilch, nada. I remember how nasty they were saying we weren't a football area, didn't deserve a team, what a joke we were, etc. Seriously.
  11. If by soon you mean after week 1 to play the ColtsX2 and the rest of the NFCS, I do.
  12. Nor am I, but as was said above, he's a 28 year old (former first round pick) man and Collins is a kid, so at least there's that.
  13. He should get more. And Luck will likely get more after seeing the other two unfold. I love where we are.
  14. No sweat we'll have an estimated $70 mil next year in cap space.
  15. No matter the outcome it's good for us. He's either ridiculously overpaid or leaves. Here's thinking it's the former.
  16. And Cam will literally go ham on those turkeys.
  17. Not all high picks. Morris Claiborne.
  18. Ok. And as much as we all wanted him for nothing he will be lining up against Star and KK, 3rd year vets and better prospects.
  19. My first post on the topic. Punch in the gut for sure because there was nothing to lose but obviously no one thought he was a LT anyway. And these are the same fools that traded over us to take Morris Claiborne over Luke.
  20. Have you been to any of the other 31? Detroit? Buffalo? Cleveland? I've been to all but 2, and if you think CLT blows, you ain't seen chit like the chit in the others. The two I haven't been are Green Bay (you gotta be kidding for a young AA male), and IndiaNAPolis (it's supposedly called NAP town for a reason...zzzzz). Even "America's Finest City", San Diego, will likely lose it's team and the size/quality of housing is quadruple the price of CLT.
  21. But see here's the thing. When it comes down to brass tacks, we don't have to bring out the confetti, snake oil, or bullchit. We simply show the facts and if he's smart he chooses us, if he's not he doesn't. Simple.
  22. I have no idea what happened, but Brooks has always been a turd. From UVA and before.
  23. Great thing is they're FAR from set long term on the OL. In fact, this is the last year on Okung's deal and their OL on the whole looks far worse than ours. But, immediate playing time, at OT, at LT even, it's here.
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