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  1. Unfortunately didn’t know nfl was that uptight to block airplay… I guess my idea doesn’t work in this case. That seems ridiculous to me. But hey we are talking about the league that charges an arm and a leg to pay for Sunday ticket where the average buyer doesn’t care about 95% of the games they are playing for
  2. If nfl+ is mobile only and gets you the game you need I regularly use AirPlay and stream my iPad through my tv with no problem. Could obviously use your phone but using the tablet keeps my phone freed up during the game so it doesn’t restrict by ability to complain on this site real time…
  3. This is definitely the content this site needs 2 days before kickoff coming off a historically bad season
  4. Usually I’d call this a fluff piece but Bryce looked so indecisive last year that this seems like a huge change. Go through your progressions and if you don’t see anything RUN. If you can’t run, then throw it away
  5. Kelvin Benjamin is a case study of what laziness can do to someone. Cost himself millions on millions of dollars because he couldn’t maintain focus
  6. We’ve had a lost worse than Ron. He coached us through the greatest period in panthers history. Not sure I understand any negativity towards him.
  7. Never took the next step we expected. Unfortunately legacy will be tarnished for being the leader of our defense through our lowest years
  8. Call me an optimist but I always go into a season thinking we have a chance to at least make some noise. So much parody in the nfl and you can’t see player development until a few games into the season. whether Bryce succeeds or not, all the reports that have come out confirm that he was not put in an ideal situation to succeed last year. On top of that our drafting may have been the worst in the league over the last few years. Let’s see what a revamped OL looks like with some new weapons before deciding to write off this season. If we start 1-4 then my mindset will go directly towards ranking the rest of the season
  9. Round of applause for panther bot bringing original content to this site that has not previously been discussed
  10. probably not 90s but one of the most rewatchable movies I know and unfortunately probably pretty fitting for us
  11. He was carted off with a ‘shoulder injury’ so the cart really had nothing to do with it. however as people have said he was back and does not appear to be a long term concern.
  12. This may be the most meaningless table of all time
  13. I agree there is absolutely nothing that could happen on the field this year that should result in his firing. He’s a first time head coach with a horribly untalented roster. Give him this year to try things out and figure out what works. I will pass no judgement on canales until year 2.
  14. As you will see, there are plenty of links to click on to keep up to date on the most recent panthers news. I ensure these are not spam and will not result in you falling into a black hole. Enjoy the content
  15. I personally come here because every single person here is somehow a millionaire with a private jet and insider info. This is the only place on the internet where what is said is true. And I appreciate the honesty.
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