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Everything posted by jayflip

  1. Lol I just typed it out randomly tbh. If he starts pancaking people left and right I hope it does become a thing lmao
  2. Just give our oline some roids and call it even
  3. fug I miss Sanjay. If it were him though he’d be spamming us re: Dan Arnold and Tommyknocker.
  4. That would be rad for you guys. Baseball is becoming relevant again with the emergence of some young superstars bringing the energy and shitting on the unwritten rules.
  5. Lmfao y’all gotta suburb named Indian Land?
  6. Full stop, in order: #89 #1 #58 #90 #59 Gross was great but not a game-changer. Retired numbers are for legends. Olsen falls in that same bucket imo.
  7. Lol like 90% of the huddle was fuging super bummed about Teddy when it happened and throughout the season. I can think of like 3 people who believed in him. Even when he had a “decent” start.
  8. I think he’ll really help upgrade our red zone deficiencies, but like, it’s a pretty low bar.
  9. If we can walk away from day 2 addressing at least 1 of FS or OL, I’m happy. I’ll honestly be happy with any BPA, regardless of position (but relative to value). Drafting for need is how you get shitLittle picks.
  10. @DFiveand I will be watching from CA! LFG!!!
  11. Oh I get what you’re saying. He’s a plant. I’m saying he wears socks with his Birkenstocks, probably.
  12. Person a socks and berkenstocks kinda dude
  13. I hated the Vernon Butler pick and wanted a Henry. Waste of a fuging pick and it still bums me out.
  14. What’s your take on Horn? Personally I would get behind it quickly, but I’d prefer to address CB later in the draft.
  15. I for one am extremely excited to see @TheSpecialJuanpost a new crop of distorted pics
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