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Everything posted by oceans_1

  1. Your reading comprehension played you. I'm posting in a forum to mock the handful of posters that invade every single topic with the primary goal of flexing your brilliant observations about Bryce being small and bad and the team being terrible and dumb win, lose, or draw. It's an utterly bizarre resolve to nitpick and complain about everything that is only matched by the most politically progressive pooholes on the internet. Does it really bear so much repetition at this point? All last year, all off-season, all season I've read the same tired takes from the same ardent posters who must believe they are a contingent of holy crusaders who can will away our massive QB flop, among other glaringly obvious mistakes, if they post enough pithy comments and blast anyone that dissents. It's lame as hell and only serves as your own circlejerk of enlightened negativity. I genuinely can't tell if some of y'all are fans of the team, or just fans of hating the team. At this point nobody is really on the other side of the issue - the Panthers are bad and Bryce is, too. I said as much. This isn't news, since its inception the team has only ever been temporarily good when we luck into phenomenal talent and/or the team chemistry is off the charts and things break our way. We've never had a particularly good GM or coach, so we have never seen sustained success year over year. Nobody is saying the team has made the right calls historically. Certainly not me in my 3 posts here. The constant strawman arguments by the crusaders who paint any statement that isn't overtly negative, or god forbid remotely positive, as some sort of line-toeing or shilling for the organization is absolutely braindead and completely detached from the reality of the conversations you inevitably end up dominating.
  2. Justin Jefferson would be averaging 75 yds/game with Bryce as his QB. The offense is focused on limiting the mistakes of our young guys and getting them into the NFL rhythm. I really don't think the Panthers need to do anything but go BPA since the team has so. many. holes. I see this guy T-Mac being discussed like he's a can't-miss, and I have no opinion on that as I don't watch college ball. Ignorance disclaimer aside, pass catchers should be close to the bottom of our list regardless of the fact that our rooks probably won't eclipse 5-600 yds apiece. I really don't see that as a referendum on their skills. We need defensive starters too badly to draft more offensive help in the first round. If XL and Coker don't show more growth and firmly establish themselves as guys with 1/2 abilities in 2025, then reevaluate .
  3. A great teammate supporting another great teammate - and the Bryce protesters show up like moths to a flame to picket the absolute nerve of a dysfunctional football team finally being functional. Oh, and to argue the semantics of "improvement". Bryce will never be worth what we gave up for him. It sucks. Fitterer was a bad man and did bad things. That's in the past. A handful of forum dorks are convinced that they still know best because they were less dumb than the kid eating glue. There's a reason you football savants are confined to pounding on the keyboard, huffing the aroma wafting from your soiled diapers. Most of the loudest and most insistent voices are far more like the big man, Mr. Impatient, than y'all seem to realize. Bryce has improved from "unplayable" to low end backup-caliber. The good news is he's protecting the football. So we have 2 backups on our roster, and both are limited in their upside. Even if he has the brains (jury is still out), Bryce doesn't have the arm. Andy is old and doesn't get us anywhere. He has been atrocious since the Bengals game. As long as Bryce isn't actively destroying the team, let it ride. Seems like the locker room is behind him now that Diontae isn't poisoning the well and that's numero uno. This is a learning year for everyone. If Andy is throwing for 250 yards but chucking picks in the red zone, do the stats really matter? Win the fugging games. Build the culture. Build the team. Let Bryce bridge the gap until we acquire more talent, and find your QB like the good organizations do. Don't rush, don't force it. That's why we're here to begin with. To all the chicken littles, I guarantee Canales, Morgan, and Tepper are all aware that Bryce is "for now" at best, not forever, barring some kind of Green Goblin or Captain America situation.
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