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  1. So with the 9 picks are we picking 2 wr since it's on there twice? Otherwise a great, neutral, non combative, informative read. and it's not clickbait either
  2. Just my opinion but I'd rather sign a couple cheap alternatives like Slayton and mvs, draft a mid round guy and develop Coker, x and jt than make a big splash for kupp or higgins
  3. Guess they'll have to change their name...? I still don't know how stuff like this happens
  4. Walker is growing on me if we miss out on Graham, Carter and hunter. But him, jt and skattaboo would make me pretty happy
  5. Luvu gunna set a record for most offsides
  6. And we kept the dc that had the worst scoring defense in nfl history
  7. When you're a team as devoid of talent as the panthers right now, why not? Fling enough poo against the wall and some might stick
  8. Most of these playoffs there has been bad qb play. Mahomes, hurts, Stafford, baker not that good. Goff, darnold terrible. The only good ones have been stroud, Jackson and daniels
  9. I just don't want the chiefs in the superbowl again. I'm over them. I wanted a lions-bills superbowl buuuuuut.... sigh
  10. I hope evero is watching this game and taking notes on what an actual d looks like
  11. He traded a 4th for mingo. His insanity has already been well-documented
  12. Maybe we could sign him for the vet min.....
  13. Shelton was yet another 2nd round skill position bust. If a 5th round pick busts
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