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Toker Smurf

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About Toker Smurf

  • Birthday 03/03/1973

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  1. Typical. Out of the playoff race , so let’s win some meaningless games.
  2. In fairness, Luka isn’t much better. Younger, so not as much history. The entire NBA is going this way.
  3. None of it matters in the least.
  4. I saw it a few months back. Much better than I expected. Excellent movie. It portrayed MJ and his mother as having a lot of insight. That deal was great for everyone involved.
  5. Was that not a defenseless receiver? I don’t like that rule but they better not call it against us, this game.
  6. Multiple good throws, so far. Even the first one, while basic, had good zip.
  7. Hire a President of Football Operations and get out of their way.
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