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About acwimby24

  • Birthday 04/22/2009


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Ngl I (A 15 year old) could do better than Fitt and Morgan. At least I would have picked Stroud over Bryce. Damn man we haven’t won poo since I was a 6 year old in 1st grade
  2. I was 1 year old during the 2010 season and the 2001 season was 8 years before I was born. How does this team compare to those?
  3. Look guys, I wouldn’t be mad at BY if he worked like a dawg over the off-season, but bro’s out here ADMITTING that he did nada. Hell my high school summer swim workouts were more than bro did. Just wish he’d try and work like me and other athletes, especially cause he gets paid 20 something MILLION
  4. I listened on the radio while doing my homework. How bad was it?
  5. I think the Jags or some AFC team gets it.
  6. Ugh yeah especially because I gotta do my homework after Carolina gets killed. Hope it’ll get better one day
  7. 1 Peter 4:8 ✝️


    Hi! I’m Alex, a 15 year-old sophomore and swimmer! (Also a lifelong panthers fan 😔

  8. Yeah wouldn’t be surprised to see Panthers at 1.01 after this week
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