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Killa Cam 69

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Everything posted by Killa Cam 69

  1. All I can see is the ginger and Wilson in the redzone it's scary
  2. Wow now this@AdamSchefter: Haloti Nagta traded to Lions, per @aaronwilson. m.twitter.com/AdamSchefter
  3. I don't get into the cap thing I'm more of a draft guy.. How much space do we have?
  4. People who say don't go after him.. Do u realize who our two and three receivers are??? For the right price we would be crazy not to
  5. Why would I lie and what complex would that be?
  6. Yeah I almost posted this also but knew it would get deleted
  7. My thread didn't say that and just got deleted
  8. I bet they do the same thing on the saints report
  9. I think Jeremy should explain why he deleted my thread and started one of the same..fuq that noise
  10. Haha why did u delete my thread I just started?
  11. It was fun.. Gonna miss you D... But after the smith gut punch this was pretty painless. Gotta do what's best for the team and put the best 53 on the field.. Stewarts the man and I think Fozzy Whitaker can step into the number two back Nicely. Keep pounding!
  12. Imagine him harvin kb Philly Olsen Stewart / fozzy / tolbert back field and fix the left tackle spot .. I know it's not probably gonna Happen but if it did it could be a incredible offense. Cams numbers would be insane
  13. Resign hardy.. Maybe get harvin if he's cut and draft offensive line and secondary and we are looking at a deep play off run and maybe more
  14. Nothing says home like a noose in the living room
  15. There was a lot of times where the pass rush struggled.. Pretty often actually
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