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Everything posted by hepcat

  1. I think we can all agree - time to burn down the stadium. Things have gone far enough!
  2. hepcat

    Bad friend

    If it makes you feel any better, my roommate and I got 30 days notice at our house this week. We've lived together for 4 years and I've been a solid friend to and him actually got him his current job by recommendation. Heard from a friend he made a facebook post he intentionally hid from me, about looking for a new place to live and looking around, after telling me to my face he wanted to live with me again and wanting to look for a new place together. So yea you think you know someone...
  3. Which means a 1 year contract from Carolina sounds like just the right medicine.
  4. Got a feeling Jake Fisher is gone before Carolina's second round pick.
  5. Predicting either Atlanta, Tampa, Cincinnati, Chicago, or Oakland. Wildcard - New England....
  6. Would rather have Ted Ginn who will come far cheaper, already knows the offense and fits well on the team.
  7. I thought DeAngelo was a classy guy until this little tirade. I understand he's got some hurt feelings about the team not showing up at his mom's funeral, but they thanked you in millions of ways for your service. This charade after getting cut is immature. Lost some respect for him.
  8. This isn't surprising and I'm sure the players are on board with this since it could mean more money for them. Cam is at a disadvantage since he's been in the league a year longer than Wilson and if he doesn't sign a new contract this offseason, he'll likely be looking at the franchise tag next year. The Colts can do the same thing with Luck the Panthers are doing with Cam. Pick up his 5th year option, then franchise tag him, and there's every reason to believe they will do just that. I'd bet Cam signs his contract first. Wilson has a Superbowl ring with two Superbowl appearances. Furthest Cam has gone is the divisional round. If they signed contracts right now, Wilson would get the bigger contract, but next season could change a lot depending on how well the Panthers do. Guess it's a wait and see game now.
  9. Oh it's such a big deal now until the robots we create come back to kill us all
  10. An entire stick of butter slathered in ranch dressing topped off with bacon grease with a frothy chocolate mayonaise milkshake to drink.
  11. Of course he didn't mean that, but at the very least he knows he isn't getting the mega-deal he would have gotten last offseason. Best the Panthers can hope for if they want to bring Hardy back is a cap friendly one year prove-it deal with a ton of incentives to motivate him.
  12. Um, when he said he'd "play for free" if Carolina brought him back? SMH
  13. I seem to remember him being interviewed on an ESPN show and saying "back up the Brinks truck" or something to that effect. Obviously he's changed his tune after the whole domestic violence situation but, he will still get paid more on another team over Carolina, no doubt about that.
  14. I'd be happy with a cap friendly one year prove it deal with tons of incentives to motivate him. I still think he's as good as gone but, this is the only way I could see the Panthers willing to bring him back. It's good for both sides if he fugs up again, he's on a cheap one year deal and they definitely WILL let him go. But if he tears it up, he'll get a big deal either here or elsewhere. It's not like other teams are going to give him the deal he could have commanded last year with an impending suspension likely and his past legal issues. Time will tell.
  15. Part of me thinks that fumble against us in the playoffs was intentional.
  16. Basically the Panthers need to spend the money they were paying Hardy and go sign someone who can block him because he could easily sign with Atlanta, Tampa, Seattle, Dallas...or any other host of teams that we play next year. If they trot out Byron Bell to block Greg Hardy I might as well write Cam Newton's obituary now.
  17. If they can just get some talent at the LT position, the line could be very, very good. It all falls apart when your teams blindside protector is getting beat every play.
  18. Would love to see Torrey Smith with the Panthers. Won't break the bank and is a solid #2 with some deep speed. Then draft a speedy WR who can return punts to compete with Philly for the slot role, Cotchery on the bench for depth, cut Bersin, and we're set. As for tackle...that's going to be a tough fix. We might be playing a rookie there next season or worse, re-signing Bell because we can't afford anyone better and no one worthwhile falls to us in the draft.
  19. God it felt so good. I love running. It has gotten me through some tough times.
  20. Today I ran 4 miles non-stop on 8 on the treadmill. I'm usually good for about 2.5 and sometimes 3 miles, but today I was feeling exceptionally depressed. I knew the second I got off that treadmill that I'd have to go back to the real world so I just kept going, until I realized I was crossing over 4 miles. I was exhausted and sore, and as soon as I stepped off I thought I might throw up and then die. But I was so proud of myself that I forgot what I was even depressed about for a few minutes. The high lasted all day!
  21. If there's a better medicine for depression than running 3 miles...I haven't found it.
  22. 3 miles on the treadmill today, free weights sets and 15 minutes on the mat. I'm to the point where I don't even get sore anymore, just sweaty and tired.
  23. Greg Hardy misunderstood the meaning of #keeppounding
  24. Eh let's not go overboard...innocent until proven guilty. I really hope this was just a big misunderstanding and the charges get dropped but any way you slice it Hardy is at fault here no matter what happened. This type of poo never has a good reason of happening. But Hardy will definitely play next year - if Ray Rice can knock out his fiance in an elevator and still play in the NFL, Greg Hardy probably won't even get suspended for this.
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