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  1. yea. Genuinely believe I could draft better than the panthers have these last years. I see good players I wanted them to draft go to other teams and have success while the panthers draft guys who don’t even play out their rookie contract. They are genuinely awful at drafting since Tepper took over
  2. I think the Bills gave up knowing that it wasn’t going to matter what they did, at a certain point there was going to be a lever pulled by the NFL to advance the Chiefs to the Super Bowl. The Bills had their chances, but it seems like something was off. And am I imagining this, but did they show a Chiefs Super Bowl ad for chips or something before the game was even over??
  3. But when he catches a TD for the Commanders in the playoffs next year what are you gonna say
  4. I mean there’s an element of that but when you see the refs are actively against you, and they have our favorite ref Clete Blakeman who just allowed the most murky catch of all time but ruled Cotchery didn’t catch it in the Super Bowl which was a much clearer catch, it’s just not even fun to watch this anymore.
  5. They know the game is fixed. It’s not a secret anymore and I think the nfl needs an exodus of fans. It’s not funny to watch rigged games
  6. I’m not watching because the game is rigged and I’ve said the games are rigged for decades and now finally people are seeing it. But I’ll check out the plays that nudged the game to the chiefs.
  7. Someone make an AI video of Abdul Carter smoking out of a gas mask
  8. I think Daniels might be the best rookie ever. Any rookie.
  9. I think the NFL is gearing up for the LA vs Detroit NFC Championship for the Goff/Stafford storyline. After that, I think you’re right
  10. Have you seen the calls they are giving Mahomes? If the NFL officiated Mahomes like they did Cam, he wouldn’t have a Super Bowl ring
  11. I can because Mahomes is being gifted wins by the NFL. Brady got questionable calls, sure, but the NFL is actively rigging games for the Chiefs.
  12. I absolutely hate Patrick Mahomes. More than I ever hated Tom Brady. Mahomes is a whiny floppy bitch.
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