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Everything posted by DaveThePanther2008

  1. All our rookies with the exception of Fletcher and Hoskins have been on the field. Nixon has been on a couple of plays and I expect to see more of Taylor now the Horn is down. Contribution from these rookies are going to pay dividends as the season progresses. I don't remember this many of our rookies contributing in their first season.
  2. Before CMC went down I was starting to think he might not be all we thought he would be. After CMC went down it seemed to click that he was the man and his runs seemed to be executed with more confidence. This gives me hope that he'll step in for CMC. While he's not CMC his skillset is similar.
  3. It's impressive for sure. If our totals are similar after the Dallas game I think we can say this is a dominate defense.
  4. We're currently the #1 defense in the league. Why would he not want to come and contribute. As noted earlier, there is some connection with Fitterer. My only concern is he still quick enough for our defense. As a veteran his presence would be nice but if he can't fly around like he used to it might hurt our defense.
  5. I was thinking the same thing. I thought he was quite poised considering it was a short week. They were saying that had he stayed another year at Stanford he could have been the discussion for a 1st rounder in 2022. Houston did a good job finding him in the 3rd round. If he grows into a starter I think he'll make ending the Watson saga much easier.
  6. I use a Russian site called livetv.sx and it's free and for the most part based on your wifi is pretty good. I have used this site for many years and though I get the refreshing sometimes and miss a play or two. Sometimes it is like watch regular TV. I work overseas and have used it in Kuwait, Afghanistan, Dubai and Iraq and for the most part it it is pretty reliable. Once you work through all the sites that happen when you click start you'll be OK. Obviously do not enter those sites mainly betting sites.
  7. We have to remember Rhule had him at Temple. He knew what he was capable of and was an absolute steal to sign him. Reddick knows he would excel in this defense because he played in it before. Absolute steal. I think Fitterer will figure out a way to resign him. I think him and Burns could be an amazing duo for many years to come. I am excited to see this game tonight so much. I hope we score quickly so we can see this amazing defense. I wanted to bring up something Burns said a couple of days ago. He mentioned the preseason and how we dominated the first half. We dominated, for the most part, every team we played in the preseason and it was with backups. This doesn't include the 2nd half where we used players that aren't on the team now. We are thin at a couple of areas on defense and the loss of anyone of the starters may make this defense less potent. If we can stay healthy on defense it is going to be a fun season to watch, regardless of our record.
  8. This defense is legit. it is not a simple defense to diagnose. Players coming from everywhere on every down. There is only so much you can scheme for. It's different when you have a player like Aaron Donald. You can scheme to eliminate him (unlikely) but when you have 5 or 6 guys that could come at anytime you're gambling you guess right. Our offense only needs to put up enough points to win. We don't have to score 50 points to win. This defense will keep us in games and if Darnold and company can get us the points our defense will carry help us win.
  9. The key word is peak. IMO this defense is just getting started.
  10. BTW this was an excellent article. Very informative and makes me even more excited about playing one of those high octane offenses to see how tt works against them. Nov 14 against Arizona should be intereting.
  11. Rhule said he wanted fast, athletic and players that could play multiple positions. Last year we had a couple of pieces. Now IMO we players at ever level that can move into another position and perform it well. You got guys that shouldn't have the talent to back out and defend and got players that are coming in on the QB when they probably shouldn't be. I think this is why Shaq is doing so well. He's able to be athletic and this defense is perfect for him. I pray Snow doesn't get a big head and leaves to be a HC. He's a defensive guru and hopefully he knows this.
  12. This is where we learn from our mistakes and get ready for the brutal second half. If we can win the majority of these games we'll have a chance to make the playoffs and then all bets are off. I don't think we are overlooking Houston and if we come to play I don't see us losing. I truly don't see Rhule alwaying us to overlook Houston and look forward to Dallas.
  13. It's not only that they are playing well but you can hear from the players when they talk about our defense. They are excited and confindent and that vibe you can see and feel. I was excited before the season started as I felt we had just about every piece on defense but when you listen to them talk about it. It puts my excitement, maybe yours, into a frantic attitude. It starts with Rhule and Snow. I know that the Saints defense was missing tons of talent but our defense played their offense which was intact and we absolutely dominated them. It wasn't one or two plays that made the difference. We were up their ass just about every play. We exposed Winston's weakness. The players have bought into what Rhule is feeding them.
  14. Favorites Burns blowing up Wilson for our first sack and Brown planting Wilson about 6 inches below the surface. Honorable Mention Riddick sack on Winston to get things started for us Sunday.
  15. I enjoy listening to Baldy too. Obviously having been in the trenches he knows what he is talking about. There aren't many that are as good as Baldy. There are a few that are good at diagnosing the plays. Dan Orlovsky is good at it too. Not much of a QB but very intelligent and I enjoy listening to him. Even if I don't agree with him.
  16. We're the flavor of the week. After a while we'll get stagnant at one spot with the common dominator as we've only played weak teams. Remember the days of worst 15-0 team in NFL history.
  17. You can STFU yourself. You and i have disagreed on many things in the past, in your short lifespan on this forum. Normally I was on the correct side so please stop with your higher than mighty Darnold bandwagon ass. You've been a fan for a couple of months. I've been here since inception and had to deal with you guys being high and mighty.
  18. I was watching videos on Youtube yesterday which included Burns, Reddick,Fox and a few others. You could tell how excited they were about the defense and the way this team is playing. You could see that they were buying into the culture that Rhule is bringing to this team. There was a reason why many teams wanted Rhule and Tepper and Hurney (his last great act) did the right thing and pursued him. Rhule has his thumb print on every aspect of the game. Offense, Defense and ST. He knows every mistake and every great play player by player. I was so impressed on listening to him about everything. For example he pointed out why the field goal was blocked. I mean talking about every player on the line and whose responsibility it was but not by name. He didn't throw one player under the bus. But he took full responsibility for it, didn't put it on Brady, Snow or Blackburn. Whether we make the playoffs or not, he is setting the bar high and soon, very soon, we'll be a team to deal with year in and year out. I see why Tepper gave him such a long contract. I'll believe this regardless of our final record this season.
  19. Anything is possible but knowing Peyton and his love for destroying us, I doubt it. I loved the look on his face throughout the game. Seeing the look of being lost really was worth watching. We've shown the league, pressure Winston and he'll show his true colors.
  20. I feel you bro. I spent most of my adolescent life in Camp Lejeune NC. The son of a US Marine. My father being from Baltimore and baseball and football were the major sports i grew up with. NBA and ABA was not as popular as it is now. Baltimore back then had Unitas and the Robinson's in baseball. So life was good. 1984 all that changed as far as football went. I never followed the Colts to Indy so I was basically a fan without a team. I followed the Giants mostly because LT went to school with my brother (he was a walk on Safety for UNC and had a couple of cool stories about LT in practice) and my 1st wife was from Long Island, NY. I loved NC and always called it home so when Carolina got the Panthers and later the Hornets these became my favorite teams and win/lose or draw I have always been a fan. I know in the early days of the Panthers the Redskins, Steelers, Cowboys and even the Falcons had major roots in our fan base. Over the years many have jumped ship to the Panthers and our Carolina fan base is a little more loyal and we have less loyalty to those listed above. I was watching NFL Live yesterday and they were talking about the Panthers Defense. Marcus Spears pointed out what I think makes our defense so dynamic. He said how crazy athletic we were. IMO that is the key to our defense. So many fast, athletic and smart players on the field. Another take was when they were talking about Rhule during his press conference. They mentioned how deeply he knew about every aspect of a play or decision. He is completely in-charge and knows every in and out of this team.
  21. The only major error of the day and this is all you can focus on. LAME. All QBs make a few mistakes every game. Watch TB12's press conference after the Atlanta game.
  22. Can't really argue any point. Two games isn't much of a sample size but signs are, as long as we stay healthy, he'll continue to improve.
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