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Everything posted by DaveThePanther2008

  1. I just hope we can get this done as soon as possible. I don't know if the Huddle will survive if we have to wait until the draft. Tepper wants Watson and we'll have to live with whatever we end up trading. Get 'er done. And move on.
  2. As soon as he said it wasn't about money, IT'S ABOUT MONEY. In today's society the accused has to prove their innocents instead of the victim (or supposed victim) has to prove that the accused is guilty. It's sad when a woman can say that someone did something against them and the accused has to fight to keep his name. If it is true that this lawyer has connections with the Texans than this as a nasty as it gets.
  3. And you base your opinion off of? Fitterer track record with the Panthers? What makes you think they didn't do their due diligence in determining whether they wanted to sign these players. If your going to express an opposite opinion why not back it up with some valid reason other than you are infatuated with Hurney.
  4. He's thinking about leaving because they can't afford to sign any other talent because they are paying him a quarter of the cap. You want a winning team stop being so damn greedy. Signing players that can play multiple position. We've had a couple of good ones in the past. Wharton and Hangartner (misspelled?) to start with. I am sure that they didn't drop names in a hat and pull one out. Until they have a bad track record I think we should give them the benefit of the doubt.
  5. Too many critics on this forum. So many think that they know everything and that the people that are hired to do this suck. I think he'll be groomed as our future center. Hopefully he can stay off the injured list.
  6. To be honest, I think this is the only way we get a QB in the draft. There are many teams that will be willing to trade up and snag one of those QBs. If one team moves up with a team like Cincinnati or even Miami than you can bet at least 4 will be gone. We have to have Watson before draft day, if not, than we need to be the aggressor and make a move. I hate trading up and would rather trade down and get more picks.
  7. NFL.com posted this complete list of players that are free agents. I did not see Andrew Norwell from Jacksonville. A lot of good players on this list. https://www.nfl.com/news/2021-nfl-free-agency-notable-departures-for-all-32-teams
  8. I would love to see him come back. Though an older vet, I loved is nasty temperament and would fill in nicely on our O-line again.
  9. Yet they put us in the position to win 8 games and TB5 won none of them. My opinion, Brady would not have fared any better in N.E. in 2020. Our opinions differ and that's ok. I'm not going to change my mind and you surely aren't changing yours. We'll leave it at that.
  10. I think you are in the minority on that opinion but if you say so. Let's reverse the scenario. What would Bridgewater done in NE? And what would Cam had done in Carolina? Honestly Cam puts us in the playoffs with the weapons we had. His arm strength may not have been up to 2015 but it would have been far better than TB5. Cam given the chance to win 8 games during the season, at minimum, would have won at least 50%. That puts us at 9-7. TB5 in New England. You're looking at New England in the top 5 draft picks and probably contending with Jacksonville and the NYJ for the top spot.
  11. And who was their running back compared to the 2020 running back. I will not debate with you over this. You really believe the talent on the 2020 team is equal to the 2003 team. You are also talking two different era. Many of the rules that are in place in today were not in place in 2003. Many rules were changed in the past decade to increase scoring and limit defense. So to compare 2003 and 2020 are not comparable.
  12. Are you saying D. Byrd who was basically their #1 receiver was as good as players Brady took to the super bowl? Their receiving corps was no better than a practice squad team. Brady would not have done any better with them. Brady, as much as I hate to say it, is the GOAT at least in his era. But he was wise to get out of NE when he did. 2020 in NE would not have been his greatest year.
  13. I also think you need to take in consideration the same baseball pitchers go through when coming off of shoulder surgery. Usually the year they return they are not very effective but usually the following year they are much better. I believe this will be the case with Cam. He had some rough games last year. He has some lousy receivers the Patriots pretty much put the whole offense on Cam. That said it wasn't the only issue and Cam did have some lousy throws. I believe with some real targets. Cam is going to prove to Carolina and the rest of the league. He's not washed up.
  14. We'll see what NE does to give him some help. They have a couple of players that sat out 2020 so that'll help them too. If they give him some weapons he'll have a great season and will be a big target next offseason. Many think he is done. I am not one of them. He has shyt for receivers and still managed to win more games than we did. TB5 in New England would have put them in contention with the Jets and Jacksonville as the worse team in the league.
  15. I'm all in. I just hope they get it done as soon as possible. Waiting until draft day would hurt us immensely. We wouldn't be able to target free agents properly. If we have it done on the 17th would be amazing. I highly doubt it but I hope it is done not long after.
  16. I agree Mr. Scot, but this is the year to get it done. If we can somehow get Watson the free agent market is going to be full of players that will take one or two year deals. at value to us, until the cap goes back up. I think we are freeing up money to do just that. Build our line with free agents and what remains of our draft choices draft BPA whether offense or defense. Hopefully, we can sign Miller and a couple of the other decent o-linemen we had last year.
  17. Lamar fell off the map half way through the season. He was initially in the MVP voting and disappeared and people started questioning whether he could take Baltimore to the promise land. JOSH Allen is a great young player but neither are as good as Watson. If we get Watson and get a good O-line and continue to build our defense. He'll be our 2nd MVP QB.
  18. I couldn't help but think of the same thing. Part of the reason CMC would not be traded was because of his salary and now it's changed. Also they wanted defensive players and maybe CMC and Shaq are part of the equation. I would hate to see us lose him but if it is necessary to get Watson than it's a gamble I think the front office is willing to make.
  19. What great players. Gave 100% every game and were truly great Panthers. Welcome Home We'll miss you.
  20. Why would he say anything negative about Bridgewater? Teams are interested in him, the last thing he needs to do is undercut his value. Come On, Man.
  21. You also have to remember he is sitting. While he may show up nothing says he has to play. It's in their best interest to move him this year than next. Kind of hard to swallow a huge cap hit and get no production out of any player, including Watson.
  22. I get both arguments. Jones, IMO, is going to be a good NFL QB. What I will argue is athleticism. While he may not be the next coming of Mahomes or Watson he is athletic. You don't play for the one of the best college programs in the country because you can throw the ball. J. Russell was athletic but had the brain of a pee. Winston was super athletic but was a poor decision maker. I went back and looked at the last 20 years of Super Bowl winners and the Majority were pocket passers. Some with a more mobility than others. Mahomes, Wilson and Wentz being the most mobile with Rodgers a cross breed of both. The Mannings, Brady, Flacco, Big Ben and the others were not very mobile but good pocket presence plus most of them had a great defense. I will say that if they choose Jones than the offensive line needs to be top tier. I think that is the one advantage a mobile QB can get away with more than a pocket passer. I'd say above average line or better. Someone said earlier or in another thread. Free Agency will tell the tale of which way we go. If we are building a solid line with Vets than don't be surprised if we go for Jones. I've read where Jones is quite intelligent and Tua said he was the 2nd coming of Brady. Brady reads a defense as well as any that have played. Most of the times he knew where he was throwing the ball before the snap. Go through the motions of keeping the safeties honest and throw to your read. If Jones learns to read a defense well. Who knows his ceiling. I'm going to let Rhule and Co. figure that out. This has been the craziest offseason for QBs as I can ever remember and I've been a huge NFL fan since Johnny U and the Baltimore Colts. Regardless of who we go with. As long as TB5 is not the QB. I'll be optimistic.
  23. The Texans might want to play hardball but they also know that the time is NOW to trade him. If they get into a pissing contest and Watson refuses to play his stock will go down Houston needs to deal him because if they wait and play hardball it will backfire. Teams will offer less than now because Houston will soon realize they are losing draft capital everyday they wait. Teams will start to low ball them and force Houston to accept it before it gets worse. IMO they'll deal Watson before the draft.
  24. I know I am probably in the minority here but I think Minshew would do well here. He reminds me a bit of Fitzpatrick. I don't see him as a long term answer and he is still under contract with Jacksonville. He's a former ECU Pirate and might enjoy coming back to the Carolina's in any fashion we use him.
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