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Everything posted by pantherj

  1. Clear out the defensive coaches and hit the draft looking for defense like first year Rhule.
  2. You know when your dog eats something rotten and then gets sick and makes a mess in the back yard. That's our defense.
  3. Yeah like I thought they're trying to spear Chuba and they got hurt doing it. Karma.
  4. Eagles defense is trying to destroy Chuba but instead they're getting hurt. Chuba is tough as hell. Reminds me of Goings.
  5. I wish Moore had more of a burst or something.
  6. We have too many guys on defense who are built like refrigerators and move like them as well. We need some athletes so guys like Hurts can't do this running all game long.
  7. Yes pay him. There is an injury risk, but broken bones can't be that common. Hit got hit a fluky way on the last break if memory serves. Keep him. He's proven he's an outstanding DB, and this is a passing league. Our offense is functioning now, and the less pieces we need to rebuild the defense, the better.
  8. I'm starting to feel more positive as I see more games this season. I'm getting the impression that across the board most teams are not good. Even the top teams are weak this season. If we can field a little better team next season that might be enough to fight for a playoff spot just because the league is trash.
  9. A male lion would kill a panther for sure. The reason is because a lions mane is evolved to protect from a bite to the neck. A panther has no such protection.
  10. I don't think a month goes by that I don't stop for a second and feel hatred for Fitt. Brought trashed QBs here, kept a bad roster 24/7, passed on 2 first round picks and a second round pick for Burns, traded a generational RB, and spent the farm on a runty QB who has bad mechanics and a noodle arm. And I'm not even listing everything he screwed up. And I said he was screwing up at the time, not hindsight 20/20. He was AWFUL. Now look what we have to show for it. A bottom 3 team and a QB who only looks good against teams that are somehow worse than us. I could walk away from this franchise for the next two seasons and I wouldn't miss anything notable or worthwhile. We had Fitt lovers on this board praising him, but I'm not going to call those fans out. It's water under the bridge now. It's over. Aim for a turnaround 2026 once the roster is rebuilt.
  11. The refs are at their worst when we actually matter. Once we're off the radar they usually do a decent job. The 49ers vrs Panthers playoff game nearly drove me insane with how bad the refs were. I swear Ron was screaming at the refs nonstop, and I lost my voice partly. Then things got really bad the following seasons when refs let opposing defenses hit Cam helmet to helmet for a while. Then it became national news and Cam started flailing and flopping to point out when he was getting his brains bashed in. THEN the refs knew the HAD to call it or it would be all over the national news and ESPN. The Panthers have a long and painful history with the refs, and with other teams outright cheating against us (see the Pats/Panthers SB). If we become good again one day the refs will 100% favor the more popular team we're playing. No doubt about it. The easiest way to do it is to call bs holding on the o-line on critical plays in the game. Nick knack holding where you can barely even see the hold for a split second is Panthers special.
  12. And we could have traded him for two 1st round picks. Would have been the steal of the decade.
  13. Guys breaking news Duke just revoked Jones' degree for stupidity.
  14. We have an offensive playbook built for some other team. Like this isn't a playbook made for our team. It's like we copied some other teams playbook and that's why it looks so weird trying to bang a round peg in and square hole. We need a customized playbook for our actual players.
  15. Why don't we call plays to utilize the strengths of our players?
  16. So ass play calling and now the Giants have another chance to wow us with incompetence.
  17. Take the throw to Chubba in the flat out of the playbook. Stop. Stop. Stop. He's a north and south RB who slowly builds up speed. Stop torturing me. Stop bro.
  18. I'd say they were trying to lose but I know they're coaches might be fired after this loss, so this is just baffling. You would do that play in Madden on 3rd and 1 if you were drunk.
  19. The Giants are the worst team I've seen in about a decade.
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