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Its The Milk

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About Its The Milk

  • Birthday 07/20/1990


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Literally one of my worst fears as a parent. I've had my little one scheduled for ISR for a hot minute. Starts in a few weeks. Can only imagine the pain his family is going through.
  2. The prospect names mean nothing, its just in alphabetical order.
  3. Then why draft him #1 overall? To be a "franchise" QB...that you would expect to play 17 games every season.
  4. If he could stay healthy, sure. But he sure has been struggling with that lately. Also seemed like an afterthought next to Doncic.
  5. David Moore, Shi Smith, Brandon Zylstra. 6 total.
  6. Well I would certainly lean towards giving Graham up for sure. Problem with all that is that Oladipo's trade value is likely high based on his All-Star past.
  7. If Oladipo is available I can't imagine they wouldn't inquire about bringing him in. Melo, Oladipo, Hayward, PJ, Zeller. Obviously I would still like an upgrade at C but perhaps the Rockets would be willing to let Victor go for a combination of Monk, Rozier/Graham, and a pick? Thoughts?
  8. I work with a Philly fan and he said they would burn Philly down if they drafted QB before the Wentz trade. I wonder how he feels about it now. I don’t think he has much faith in Hurts.
  9. His comments on CB bode well for Caleb Farley. Wasn’t he a converted WR?
  10. Well I think we all relearned what we already knew. Somebody lyin'
  11. Where is my mind?

  12. I lurk in the shadows of the huddle waiting to agree or disagree with posts.

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