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  1. Home markets need to be defined by this" And not by this https://www.tvfool.com/maps/?call=WJZY
  2. As someone who grew up with George Reeves on my TV (in syndication of course, Im not that old) and Christopher Reeve on the Big Screen. There is no Kal-El but Henry Cavill
  3. https://myfox8.com/contact-us/ General Manager Jim Himes – [email protected] Vice President, General Sales Manager Bill O’Shea – [email protected] Vice President of News Kevin Daniels – [email protected] Vice President of Engineering and Operations Zack Greer – [email protected] Creative Services Director Stuart Smith – [email protected] Executive Producer, Digital & Social Media Justyn Melrose – [email protected]
  4. On an individual level, I think Ray brought more heat as a player. But Luke not only played on that level but elevated everybody else on the defense by getting them in the right places. not taking anything away from Ray (regardless of his involvement in the murder) but give me Luke any day
  5. It takes a lot to get me to a theater anymore but this will do it.
  6. It’s not something I can control so I want every experience to be an enjoyable one. if I had any measure of control maybe I’d have a perspective that could accept short term losses for long term gains but I don’t. So I want to cheer for a win every week.
  7. Hoping your team will lose is weird. I never know when the last game I will ever see will be but I want it to be a win.
  8. Kid went from Randy Fasani bad to a QB showing a ton of grit and promise. Not saying he will be Jake or Steve or Cam but we are in the best place we've been at that position in recent memory
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