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Everything posted by ThPantherFan

  1. Give it to 'em LP. I agree 100%. WE have a building team for the long run.
  2. I get that feeling too. We start and end the season with division games.
  3. It wouldn't be good but I wouldn't crash and burn over it either. I don't expect to win our division but it would be nice. I'm anxious to see how the team develops as the season progresses. I don't think we will have a losing season but not a championship run either.
  4. Excellent post, LP. I hope they (all teams) do go back to natural grass turf.
  5. Glad someone has some good sense. I agree with your post. Thanks.
  6. I agree with you, but this is the most glaring. Couldn't believe it. I'm sure they will send this to the league.
  7. I can see your side. However, I didn't see it as giving up. Falcons closed the down field plays. I do think Bryce tried. I'm not worried about losing 1 game.
  8. You want us to pat you on the back? You may have been the first but I think the majority didn't think he deserved Bosa money. I'm not trying to be a smart ass but......never mind.
  9. I can see your point. Belichiken isn't know for his QB development except for Brady. I think Brady had those talents before NewEngland.
  10. Beledick can do something with Matt. I wish him the best.
  11. No we're not and no we don't. Watch the film.
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