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Riverboat Ron

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Everything posted by Riverboat Ron

  1. Don’t forget to get the cherry pepper relish, so good on subs.
  2. Better yet, write CJ Stroud, Bryce Young and Will Anderson on the card. Get all 3 at #1 then trade one of the two QB’s to Indy for #4 and a 2024 1st and 2nd. Use #4 to trade for Justin Jefferson.
  3. Just draft the QB with Superstar development and highest ovl rating!
  4. I just want a NT that’s 6’3” 400lbs 60+ Bench Reps and a sub 5.0 40.
  5. I actually think he’ll do great at Nebraska, he’s not a good NFL coach, his style works well in college.
  6. The key is to draft the best QB, I don’t understand why it’s so hard for GMs.
  7. So we’re going to take Anthony Richardson at #1.
  8. Frank Reich on the left, Frank Reich’s 5’2” body double on the right.
  9. Bryce measured in at 5’ tall and 10”
  10. So the 420noscope thing to do is take Bryce Young then let the Texans take Stroud, who they did no work on, only to discover he’s at a draft part with Michael Vick, Deshaun Watson, Bill Cosby and Jeffery Epstein’s ghost.
  11. Why do the Panthers only sign middle aged white guys?
  12. I put on my best blue jeans in remembrance.
  13. Build a Time Machine, go back to 2008 and bring back peak Calvin Johnson and Randy Moss to play.
  14. I think it will work, my guess is a swap: Texans get- #1 (Bryce Young), #39 Panthers get- #2(CJ Stroud), #12 (WR)
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