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Riverboat Ron

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Everything posted by Riverboat Ron

  1. When I read the title I figured a Huddler finally got their shot.
  2. Thank God Bryce always rides in his car seat.
  3. Until Tepper is gone this team will continue to fail. He is the cancer.
  4. Best thing we can hope for, even if I don’t think it’s likely, is Bryce shows strong improvement. The team protects him and begins to grow but we still go 3-14 and land the #1 pick with a couple QB hungry teams at #2 and #3. Sanders or another QB blows up and we get a kings ransom for #1. That being said I think Bryce implodes, we win 5 games with the help of Dalton and land squarely in purgatory at #4 pick while the team sucks.
  5. I used to be a devout Panthers fan going to training camp, fan fest and games on top of posting on the huddle everyday. Tepper has sucked the life out of this team and I honestly have no interest in football or the Panthers anymore. It’s just sad that such an inept person was ever allowed to take over a franchise and run it into the ground.
  6. The moment we grabbed him over Stroud tanked my interest in this team. I still don’t understand why a team so obsessed with athletic metrics just decided to say f it, let’s take the short, unathletic guy over the guy that checks all the boxes.
  7. I still believe Watson chose the Browns over us, Tepper probably outbid them.
  8. This year will tell a lot about our near future. If we show no improvement, more importantly Bryce Young, then we messed up drafting him and will need to figure out how to repair the damage. If that happens I don’t think my heart can take it anymore, for us to miss out in this fashion on several franchise QB’s.
  9. Probably like a lot of us who’ve been around for over a decade, life takes up a lot more time and football takes a back seat.
  10. He had 8 refills of Diet Coke at my bar while the rest of his party had $400+ bottles of red.
  11. Panthers finally found a way to look worse at a sport than they already do on Sundays.
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