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Everything posted by Smithers

  1. The lights...they have come on mother fuggers!!! Way to go Funch!!!!
  2. That is on Luke. At least get in front of the QB and obstruct his vision. Geez.
  3. Three minutes until kickoff and half the seats look empty still. Sheesh.
  4. Olsen has some huge penalties. I don't like how this is going.
  5. I just wanna say..:this game turned around when I repositioned my Miller lite bottle on the same side of the tv stand that the panthers are being displayed on
  6. According to Gruden...the only explanation is that Luck is hurt. Or maybe he just sucks.
  7. Coleman playing great tonight. If only we had a good safety on the other side
  8. It's not a pick play when the defender involved had nothing to do with the play. It was hardly a love tap.
  9. Olsen ran straight ahead five yards and slightly bumped into the middle linebacker who was no where close to any other Panther on the field. Despite Grudens comments...the defender was not covering Ginn.
  10. This offense sucks. How many drops have we had? Plays for negative yards? Poor throws? everyone is to blame. Get it together boys
  11. Outside runs in the rain are not a good idea Shula
  12. Time to go deep to Ginn again...maybe he will catch the next one!
  13. Eagles fans are correct when they we haven't really played any above average QB's yet this season. Indy fans will be able to say the same thing next week.
  14. Need a TD here....Go back to Ginn please. He had his man burned.
  15. Olsen has been awful today. He has lacked aggression and has too many penalties.
  16. Would love to take some shots downfield to Ginn or Brown. We added speed, and don't ever use it.
  17. I have no problem with that 4th down play call. The Hawks had 4 guys stacked over center, expecting a QB sneak. Had Cam thrown a better ball, that would have been an easy TD.
  18. If Oher misses many more like that, Olsen will be called in to block. That hurts twice as bad.
  19. Winston makes some terrible decisions. I am happy the Bucs drafted him.
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