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Everything posted by Smithers

  1. My guess - Rhule was considering college HC job somewhere and that didn’t pan out, so he made the move to fire Brady
  2. This makes me so happy. Oh so happy.
  3. Something else to consider - we are now paying Cam 10 million for a few games. That’s 10 million we normally could have rolled into next years Cap that we now can’t. That hurts
  4. In all fairness the same problem plagues about half the league. Amazes me how teams ignore the OL year after year
  5. CMC for Jimmy G straight up. Both have injury concerns and both can be great when healthy.
  6. Same thing I always do. Go to church with the family, have a nice lunch out to eat, watch a little football, and end the day shooting hoops in the driveway with my kids. Football is just a small part of life.
  7. At this point we need to lose out to ensure a top 5 pick. That enables us to trade back and pick up a 2nd and 3rd rounder. We need all the help we can get filling out the OL, QB, and MLB
  8. Make Dan Morgan interim head coach for all I care. Something has to change. At a minimum Brady has to go. But it’s clear either way that Rhule has to be fired after the season
  9. No answer at QB 4 new OL needed 5 players we need to re-sign only 1 worthwhile draft pick next year just 30 million in cap space Yikes - we are in serious trouble. This is Chip Kelly Esque
  10. LOL. Come on OP - next week is a bye! Meaning all of us win!!!!
  11. Marty Hurneys final gift to us - Matt Rhule.
  12. Uhhh - the Panthers. I don’t switch teams just because we are losing.
  13. Reddick needs to sit the rest of the game for that one. He wants players held accountable? Fine…
  14. Tepper shorting the Panthers like he shorts stocks
  15. Reddick cost us those 6 points single handedly. He can go F himself.
  16. So Reddick complains about accountability last week. And shows his leadership by making a stupid costly penalty. Bench his ass and teach him about accountability
  17. Again - why the hell are we taunting when we are getting our ass kicked
  18. Jackson is the worst corner we have. Rivera exposed him and he will be taken advantage of every game from now on. He can hit the road
  19. Burns and Reddick both on the bench. What in the world is going on
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