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Everything posted by Smithers

  1. Good point. But 7 wins in a 17 game season is still pick 8-12 most likely.
  2. Agree - heck at least we’d have a playoff winning QB on the roster. If he sucks, then we pick top 10 next year and grab another Qb. Gotta swing until you hit
  3. I seem to remember Brown being one of the few guys who actually played his heart out that game
  4. Expect Luvu and Chinn to play close to the LOS this season.
  5. Great defenses always add veteran pieces who can still perform at a high level. This team especially needs vets for the locker room. Dunlap would be a great addition and fill a huge need for us. Plus - he can drop into coverage and play the run. Dude had 7 sacks in his final 5 games last season once his playing time increased.
  6. Sorry Cam - but you got worse as the season went on and threw all your picks the last 4 games. I even remember an announcer stating “surely he knows the offense by now, it’s been several weeks.” Also - plenty Of QBs have come in off the street to make their first start with a team in the past. You just don’t have it anymore bud. I’ve always loved you..but you are not an nfl QB anymore
  7. Is be ok with throwing in Fletcher. Lol
  8. I’d say 22-26 would be fair based on the unknowns surrounding McAdoos offense and The QB situation
  9. I don’t get the love for Lamar Jackson. Dude is not an nfl caliber passer.
  10. Another sign that Madden producers have zero clue about football. The Bears by far have the worst roster in the NFL and it’s not close.
  11. If he holds out, he loses the money and an accrued season. Similar to the Leveon Bell situation. Baker is not going to hold out and lose all that money. It’s only guaranteed if he reports. now - he could pull a Jerome Bettis and fake an injury.
  12. I just don’t see how holding out does him any good. He’d lose 18M and any shot at a long term deal next year
  13. Now being reported that the browns expect Watson to be suspended the entire 2022 season. Baker may as well stay there, play out the season as the starter, and hope he has a good enough year to land a major contract in the off-season.
  14. Done watching this team until Rod is fired. His teams are soft, have no passing abilities, zero offensive strategy other than 30 foot slap shots, and are terrible on the PP.
  15. Every single time he touches it it appears. Him and Necas can hit the dusty trail
  16. Time for a coaching change. 4 seasons in a row wasted now.
  17. Come on man - Raanta has been soft as hell. He is not entirely to blame, but he has not been playing playoff hockey. Heck not even starting caliber hockey.
  18. Are these professional players in black? Can’t even make simple passes with a one man advantage
  19. Another PP and our best player (a 20 year old) is hurt. What a great start. Hey Rod - how about you reach your players that only 5 are allowed on the ice at once
  20. Coaching. Only thing I can think of. It drives me nuts and makes no sense
  21. Raanta’s save % last game was just 75%. So far tonight, it’s 50% lol
  22. Rods insistence on sticking with Raanta should cost him his job
  23. Yep - well said. We probably fielded more rookies the last 2 years than any team in the league.
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