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Everything posted by Smithers

  1. Need a stop here. Can’t give up points and then let the Saints get the ball to start the 3rd. Need a hold
  2. I despise that - either go for it or don’t. I hate wasting timeouts on something that rarely ever works.
  3. Would have preferred to take a shot there on 2nd and 1
  4. He always gets open - just needs to catch the ball. I think he will be dang good eventually.
  5. Need 4 yards. - receivers running 30 yard routes
  6. He is good near the line - but he has work to do in coverage
  7. Defense gives up some stupid stuff - but so far they have been fairly consistent and given us plenty of chances to win games. Offense has to capitalize. Need more points here
  8. Yeah Rhule should really be giving him help on long passing downs. Don’t understand it. Let Tremble or Thomas line up over there and help
  9. Better drive that time, Baker more accurate. Would like to see us get Tremble and Ricci involved in the passing game
  10. Smith finally catches a ball and it’s for a loss
  11. He did earlier as well. It was awful. He needs to just stay in coverage. Blitz Luvu or one of our fast corners/safeties
  12. Thank goodness Winston missed the guy running free
  13. Luvu made the tackle, stripped the ball, and made the block to free Haynes
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